??????????? As I
walked across and the moonlit bridge that January morning my thoughts began to
wander. I remembered the days when I first knew you, when you used to ignore me
no matter what I did. What were you like before that? Did you change when I met
you? I don’t know, but I can imagine. ??????????? Maybe
you used to go out on the town every night with your friends, the maybe you sat
at home doing your work, and would I ever know? I could ask you but how? ??????????? As I
stepped in the door I heard its, no his scream, ever since he was born last
month all there have been are constant screams as if he were being tortured.
The new generation, what will they think of us and one no ‘old’ people, how
will he feel about the time before we were his? Will he imagine, like I’d do,
or should I tell him that the truth, how I met his mother, what she was like? I
suspect it would go something like this… ??????????? I’d
just left school for the final time last week and already had lined myself up
for a job interview today, 1:00pm, go to the reception desk and state your
name, those were my instructions, but getting there was a different matter.
What road was it? I said to myself as I drove slowly, like a tourist, round the
city centre looking at my map. I pulled over by a police car and got out to ask
for directions. ??????????? "Do
you know where this company is situated," I said, flashing a business card
in front of the officer. ??????????? "I’m
busy right now," He said. I proceeded by repeating my question, which wasn’t a
good idea. He then snapped at me, " Be quiet and get in at
the back." Naturally, I did what the
officer said, but I didn’t realise the implications. I ended up at the police
station in a cell, I didn’t know what was going on but I tried to explain, then
I saw her, a rose among thorns, she walked in and softly said, ??????????? "
You may come with me." It turned out that she worked at the company with
whom it I’d applied for a job with. It seemed I’d accidentally stumbled upon a
police operation to prevent a bank robbery that they had received a tip-off
about. They thought the robbers sent me as a distraction. When they realised
there was no bank robbery they contacted the company from the card I was
carrying, and someone had been sent to collect me. The instant I saw her I felt
I knew her as if we had been friends all our lives, but she did not seem to
notice me. For three years I worked as a
computer systems programmer trying to gain her attention at every opportunity,
then, out of the blue, I heard I was getting a promotion. Senior software
supervisor, this meant that I would work closely with her every day. I didn’t
know if this was an opportunity for happiness, or for torture. Nearly a four-month passed
before she so much as spoke to me about anything other than work, and then my
chance came. She was just in the middle of assembling a new piece of software
onto disc and said, ??????????? "
Go get two coffees and meet me in the cafe in 10 minutes." ??????????? "
OK." ??????????? I
replied. I left immediately and scurried off to get a coffee 10 minutes came and
past, as did 20 and 30. I then began to worry, could she have been hurt or did
she just forget? When I got to her office she was spread out on the floor with
a pool of blood around her head were she had fallen on the corner of the table,
I rushed for the phone and called an ambulance, she survived, but just. She
lost most of her memory, including about her job. I told her what had happened
and she thanked me. It turned out the chair had been defective and had
collapsed as she tried to get up. She didn’t however wish to press charges. Over the next few months I took her around the area
familiarising her with her ‘new’ surroundings. We grew closer in this time, but
slowly her memory began to come back and she began working again, she drifted
away. It broke my heart to have been so close to the one I loved and only
increased my determination.??????????? For six
months I tried to ask her to dinner but it never sounded right in my head.
Then, one warm, June evening, I asked her, ??????????? "
Come to dinner with me." ??????????? "
Yes." from there are relationship blossomed, until, you. ??????????? When
she discovered she was pregnant with you, our child, she decided it was a good
time to tell me she was seeing someone else. She Said the only way to stop her
having an abortion would be to sign a legal form saying that she would not have
to look after you, I signed. For the next eight months I heard nothing from
her, and then on Christmas Eve there was a knock on the door, it was her, with
you. She handed you over and said a name, her name, and your name. She had
named you’re after herself to spite me. Now, as I say this you are one month
old, you don’t understand it, do you. She’s gone. It doesn’t matter, now I have