Death Essay, Research Paper
Everywhere I looked
Death surrounded me.
The smell of blood and urine
Clogged my nose.
I had not had enough slept for days
I felt tired and dizzy.
Everywhere I went
The screams of soldiers
And the sound of machine-guns
Filled my ears.
In front of me
An injured soldier
Lay on the ground
In his hand was a gun.
I kicked the gun away
And reach for my own
I shot him twice
Once in the chest
And another through the groin
But he refused to die.
He started speaking in German
It seemed like he was begging
Begging me to spare him
But I didn?t feel any sympathy
I had lost all that since the start of the war.
So I got ready to shoot again
This time I took my gun
And aimed for the heart ?