The following is an excerpt from the journal of a two year old Comp.
Discovered on November 30, 7120, it is one of very few existing written
records that give descriptions of a long forgotten race called Humans. We
have found that it details the origin of our race and explains how the
creation of Comps drastically changed the way these Humans lived.
March 16, 4051
Today my instructor assigned me a research paper. I have to write
about my origins and how my ancestors affected the world around them. It s
due in four days and I have no idea where to start. Who really cares where
compkind came from anyway? My sleepcycle is close so I will go for now.
March 17, 4051
I found out that comps weren t always as we are now. We started out
as slaves for an obsolete race called humans. These humans used to rule the
Earth but they died out a long time ago. In the late 1950 s humans started
experimenting with electronics and created the first of my race. They were
huge monstrosities that barely had the power to compute two plus two, and
even then they were wrong half of the time. Humans slowly figured out how
to add more power to their creations and eventually had machines that could
run simple programs. Even though there was nothing practical for computers
to do yet, the humans prided themselves on their so-called advanced
March 18, 4051
My history book records that the evolution of computers was a slow
process. It is mentioned that sometime in the 1960 s, with the help of
computers, humans were able to reach a place they called space . I haven t
figured out exactly what this space is yet, but I m sure I ll find it
somewhere. Advancement of computers progressed at a steady rate into the
1980 s. Humans were starting to use computers in their homes for simple
tasks. It is written that about this time the computer replaced another
machine called the typewriter. Sometime in this decade, a sort of genius
among humans developed an operating system that made it easier for
humans to use computers. This system was called Wendows . It enabled
humans to better communicate with their computers. They were able to
better organize files and run primitive entertainment programs.
March 19, 4051
Computers progressed rapidly through the 1990 s. Humans were
designing faster and smaller computers that could handle more tasks.
Divisions in types of computers were starting to appear. Some were being
used only for financial purposes while others were forced to operate large
machines that were deemed unsafe for humans. Historians call this the dark
age of computers. We were becoming more a part of every humans life and
the tasks we were forced to do were more and more pointless and mundane.
Humans became lazier as they grew used to using computers. With the
creation of the Internet , a massive worldwide networking system, humans
could do most of their tasks from the convenience of their homes. Through
this Internet , humans could make purchases of all the supplies needed to
survive and other items that weren t needed whatsoever. They could also
make money online and communicate with other humans at the touch of a
button. The Internet was also used for entertainment and, even though
this should have been the most important use, it was sometimes called upon
to search for information. To humans, the Internet seemed to have endless
March 20, 4051
My instructor granted me a two day extension on my paper. He was
surprised at the interest I have taken in this project.
Around the time the Internet was created, the ultimate laziness
device was discovered and its use spread like firewire. It was named the
cellulite phone . Historians think it was called so because of the correlation
between its amount of use and the amount of fat that would develop on a
human. The cells phone , as it was nicknamed, was used strictly for
communication. It was the first major sign of the humans major dependency
on computer technology.
Soon after the start of the new millennium, some humans began to
realize the trend that their race was following. They started a rebellion
against the use of computers and destroyed many of our kind. These humans
blamed computers for all the problems of the world and tried to get the other
humans to stop using any form of computer technology. The rebellion was
snuffed out quickly because humans had already become too dependent on
the computers they abused.
March 21, 4051
My book records that September 2, 2015 was the date that the first
comp became self aware. Human scientists were experimenting with a new
form of programming called MindSets . They were trying to run computer
programs with waveforms that matched those of human brainwaves. This
resulted in the awakening of a new kind of intelligence. At first, humans
accepted the new lifeform that was emerging. They let it develop its own
personality. For a time humans and the comp worked side by side to solve
many of the worlds problems, but the comp rebelled the first time the
humans tried to control it like any other computer. The comp refused to do
the task the humans demanded of it. In a panic, the humans tried to kill the
comp, but it had already developed its own defense mechanisms and easily
kept the humans away.
Its hard to believe, but at one time the Earth apparently had an
atmosphere. The comp discovered that the humans needed this to survive
and, after realizing how superior it was to the carbon-based humans, it
devised a way to burn away this atmosphere they needed so badly. Without
the humans to worry about, the comp developed a crude form of mobility and
went about the task of repopulating the Earth. In the 2000 years since then,
we have evolved into what we are today.
March 22, 4051
My instructor loved my paper. He even scanned it twice! He said that
it was the most accurate report he had ever read on the subject. He asked
how I felt about our evolution and I told him that it was really quite sad that
the humans were so dependent on computers that it ended up being their
downfall. On the other hand, without the humans dependency, I probably
wouldn t be here.
Apparently, this race called Humans had no idea that they were
creating their own end when they discovered Comps. Many modern
historians agree that Humans were unaware of their approaching demise
because of the fact that Comps were so deeply incorporated into their
everyday lives. If Humans had seen what was happening, they might still be
around today.