International RelationsContent: Uses Israel, Zaire and Afghanistan groups. Grade: B Description: How groups of individuals -ethnic, religous, revolutionary and terrorist groups- can have an effect in international events. Cite three newspaper articles. —–In today+s complex and interdependent world, groups of people play a part in the shaping of national and international policies of countries, the international arena, and bringing change to the world. These groups of people, specially revolutionary and terrorist groups, who are outside of the recognized government can have a strong amount of influence. The nations of Afghanistan, Israel and Zaire, have the presence of these groups of people.One such group is the religious revolutionary group in Afghanistan, the Taleban, is a fundamentalist Islamic militia. According to the Associated Press article of 03/10/97 |Afghanistan+s Taleban Protest to Tajikistan,X the Taleban have control of over eighty percent of Afghanistan. In the area controlled by this group they have instituted strong Islamic beliefs. One of the most controversial of the status of women, where they were not allowed to go out and work or to go to school. At this point the Taleban are seeking a seat in the United Nations and recognition of their government by the United States and major world powers. Their advancement to the border has caused, |Deep unease in the former Soviet Republics of Central Asia.X As a revolutionary group the Taleban have already begun to influence greatly both the national and international policies of Afghanistan. This seen by their pursue of recognition as the government of Afghanistan. Even without recognition they have started to implement policies. The status of women is in the view point of the West world one of the important policies that the Taleban has implemented. The unease in the former Soviet Republics of Central Asia is the fear of the spread of this Islamic fundamentalist movement to spread into neighboring Islamic nations. The February 14,1997 article by the San Francisco Examiner, |Israel Shows new willingness to deal with SyriaX by Elaine Ruth Fletcher, describes the current friction between Israel and Syria. This friction is due to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Syrian President Hasef al-Assad in peace proposals and territorial compromise. The Israeli proposal is about a compromise of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. However, Netanyahu wants the end of Syrian sponsored guerrilla warfare on Israel by the Hezvollah guerrillas in southern Lebanon to be the first issue in the negotiations. Netanyahu reason is of making Syria accountable for the guerrilla movement on the Lebanese area.
Peace in the Middle East, especially peace between Israel and the Arab nations, has been a tenuous since the creation of the state of Israel. The Hezvollah guerrillas in Lebanon has been instrumental in the development of both national and international policies for the nations involved. Each nation has recognize and either supported the guerrillas, such as the Syrians, or fought against them, such as the Israelites. By putting it on the top of the list it has forced certain actions and reactions by both nations before any negotiations can begin, if at all. This applies to the various Middle Eastern nations who are against Israel. Peace negotiations are considered important on a world scale because many of the Arab nations are also oil bearing countries. Oils witch many nations of the world need, and are thus important to their economic well-being. All of this emanating from a guerrilla group supported by the Syrian government. The San Francisco Chronicle, February 14, 1997, article, |A Jewel of Zaire+s Colonial Past Descends Into Despair,X describes the conditions of the African nation resulting from a continuing battle with rebels backed by Zaire+s eastern neighbors. The article explains the series of collapses, booms and rebellions that have marked the country since its colonial days, beginning and ending with the current uprising. The rebels are trying to unseat the ill and aging President Mobutu Sese Seko. The rebels have already seized control of more than 900 miles in Eastern Zaire and a large portion to the North of Zaire. Since the collapse of colonization, many of the former colonies have gone through a change in the structure of power. Some went under the umbrella of the cold war, siding either with the American or the Soviet government. In which ever case, throughout the world, with the collapse of colonization and of the Cold war, many nations have fallen into anarchy, Zaire being one of them. The rebels have divided a nation. The overall impact of nations breaking down certainly affects the country, but also the world.Groups of people who are outside the established government, such as religious, ethnic, revolutionary and terrorist groups, in the world have brought changes both to their own countries and to the world. They bring with them change in the structure of their own government and their placement in the national spectrum. Groups can have effects that are not bound by boundaries, such as the Islamic fundamentalism of the Taleban. They can also have effects that influence a small section, the Golan Heights, a large area, the Middle East, and the world, with the implications of oil. A group of rebels, such as of Zaire’s, can affect the world in which we live.