The movie, ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,’ directed by Lee Ang, which I watched on 10 February 2001 at General Cinema Galleria at South bay, is the best martial art film I have watched in my life. Movie watchers could think it is just a breathtaking kung-fu movie, but I would say it also unconsciously talks about basic conflict between majority and minority by portraying Hans and Manchurians. When I heard the film title, ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ before watching the movie, I imaged it was a sort of depressing name. After watching the film, I finally figured out what the title implies. The name, Jen (Zhang Ziyi), the governor’s beautiful young daughter, means dragon and Lo (Chang Chen), Jen’s love, tiger. As ‘Crouching Tiger’ implies, a minority represented by Lo, the bandit, could not make its wish to come true. In addition, as ‘Hidden Dragon’ implies, the other minority represented by Jen seeking the freedom of being a fighter ended up committing suicide.