“The Scarlet Letter” was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1828. “The Scarlet Letter” portrayed the punishment suffered by two individuals who committed adultery in a Puritan society and their struggle to deal with their sins. Throughout the novel Hawthorne uses Pearl to serve as a constant reminder to Hester and Dimmesdale of their sin. Pearl is also used by Hawthorne to force Hester to do what is needed to bring her to salvation. Pearl is first introduced into “The Scarlet Letter” as an infant, when Hester is on the scaffold. Pearl appears again at the age of three and again at the age of seven. Pearl is described by Hawthorne as having “perfect shape,” “natural dexterity,” “vigor,” and “native grace.” Hawthorne also refers to Pearl as an “imp,” or “elf-child.” Hawthorne