Abortion: Is it Murder?
A mother kills her baby because it is unwanted, yet she is not charged
with murder. Is this right? Believe it or not, this has happened more than
twenty-million times in the past twenty years. The problem is that they have
been killed legally because of abortion. Many people approve of abortion
because they consider that a fetus is not an individual human until birth.
Abortion is wrong and it shouldn’t be legal. If a doctor killed a baby
one minute after it were born, they would be charged with murder. But if they
were to kill a baby one minute before it were born, and a minute before that and
so on, they would not be considered a murderer. At what minute can one consider
life worthless and the next precious?
Some people will say that abortion is not a matter of life and death,
but medical research proves that the fetus is a living organism. People also
argue that a woman has the right to control her body and has the right to an
abortion, but the fetus is a completely different life. Just because the unborn
is dependent on the mother for nine months does not give anyone the right to end
it’s life.
I hope that I have at least brought you to some understanding that a
human fetus is a living individual. It should be remembered that a death occurs
every time an abortion is performed–the death of an unborn child.