Ecclesia Francorum Essay, Research Paper
Mid 8th century renewal and consolidation of
church institutions ? Christian norms into secular politics, especially in the
actions of rulers.? Bishops and abbots
with large land acted as a force for cohesion and integration 794 ? 829 high summer of Carolingian church reform,
aims:? intensification Christian
practice, greater uniformity, preservation purity of the church.? Formulation virtual Christian code ?
educated priests to teach bible properl and to administer the code ? higher
education necessary, in this way the Carolingian renaissance can be seen as a
by product of central aim. Kings and churchmen aid the spread of text in new
Carolingian script (minuscule). Carolingians assumption of Kingship from Popes, in return
protected them from enemies ? 754 intervene in Lombardy to get regime better
disposed toward papacy, failed and took Kingdom in 774 ? Charlemagne?s
coronation shows how Carolingians taking on role of the Emperor as protectors
of Popes. Court and church art part of production of magic and
holiness, creation magical Christianity needed to compete with paganism.? Thus proliferation of relics, especially in
areas new to Christianiy, shrines centres of magic and power. Chruchmen and magic sanctioned the existing social and
economic order ? wealthy and powerful, poor and dependent- duty of slaves to
obey masters, but not oppression ? miracles of saints directed against
disobedient and oppressive. Role of monasteries: possible for Christians to practise
virtues difficult to sustain ? poverty, chastity, humility ? provide personnel
for the work of the church, comparative stability and permanence good bases for
colonization Mid 8th century onward ? more monasteries under
state control ? looked for immunity and from Louis the Pious? time meant King
becoming the owner ? increasing Royal interest in monastic way of life ?
interest meant burdens: monasteries provide troops or annual gifts to the King,
church wealth used for more public functions, hospitality, hospitals etc ? flow
of wealth to benfices away from the church, appointment to bisoprics and
monasteries important part of patronage Wealth of the Carolingian church
sign of and precondition of its succss ? tied churchmen to the world in
ways not fitting their role, important consequences.
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