Self Esteem Essay, Research Paper
I compare my face to the most beautiful girl in the school.
I compare my personality to the sweetest girl in the school.
I compare my socialization rate to the most popular girl in the school.
I keep comparing myself to the same girl.
There were few similarities but yet so many differences.
I just didn’t understand WHY she was considered to be more
Out going then me in so many ways.
She’s stunning and she knows it.
I couldn’t ever look at myself in the mirror with THAT much
Self-confidence to see myself as beauteous as people say I am.
She’s winsome, and she is proud of it.
I have a sweet side, when I show it, people love it, although,
Not everyone tends to enjoy it.
She is self-governing, and she’s good at it.
I am one to sense that people have a grudge against me.
I’m never able to walk down the hall and say “hey” to every person.
But, I can find ONE thing that I have that she does have.
I might not have self-confidence that floats anybody’s boat,
But I do know that I have the self-esteem to move a boat across any ocean.
I don’t need all of those things to feel good about myself.
Being beautiful, being sweet, being popular?
Those are all the luxuries for a person.
And who ever backs me up 100%,
is the most sweetest and popular person in my book.
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