If I accidentally caused a car wreck that destroyed a person’s car, I would be considered in the wrong, the antagonist. If after the accident it was discovered the person had been on their way to blow up and embassy or something, I would be considered a hero. Any act can be considered honorably and just, if it results in a greater good than existed before the act. Even acts that are performed with malice or that seem evil can result in good, the ends justifies the means. Conversely acts that are meant to be helpful generous and seem beneficial can result in evil if they are ill informed. The book is full of these, good resulting from evil, and evil resulting from good. The friar knew this as he performed what many may have thought the evil act of marrying Romeo and Juliet because, he knew that it might result in unifying the families. He did this with good intentions but it led to both of their deaths. And yet, the seeming horrible deaths of Romeo and Juliet did bring about peace between the two families. This positive outcome coming from tragedy shows how good can come from evil. The book is full of other examples of this motif, lady Capulet offering to poison Romeo, meaning this in good intentions, but instead causing more emotional harm to Juliet. This is an example of evil coming from good. At the party, when Tybalt, insults Romeo, he means to appeal to Capulet’s devotion to the feud, but instead, it results in Capulet being angry at him. This motif found throughout the story teaches us that things are not always obvious, and simple, they are often complex and can have results very different from what we would think. They should not be judged immediately and taken at face value.