The Senegal Tribe Essay, Research Paper
The Senegal Tribe
Many students of African history wonder why the native people of Africa
did not rise up in violent rebellion against their Imperialist conquerers. What
many do not know though, is that some tribes did. One of these tribes was the
nation that we now know as Senegal.
In the 1800’s, there was no Senegal but there was a nation that became
Senegal much later. The tribe was ruled by Samori Toure when the Europeans
started coming. Samori Toure signed an agreement with the French in an effort to
keep the land they had owned for centuries. Unfortunately, the French broke the
agreement and war broke out for 7 years. The people of Senegal were defeated in
1898. This war was one of the few examples of overt resistance during the
colonization of Africa.
The geographical situation of the people of Senegal was one of the
reasons that lost the war. First of all, Senegal is located on the North Western
coast of Africa, making it easily accessible for the Europeans. Also, one very
negative feature was the flatness of the land, which made the natives face the
superior weapons of the French head on.
Websters Concise World Atlas Barnes and Noble Books, New York 1995
Scramble for Africa Anthony Nutting E.P. Dutton and Co. , San Francisco 1971
World History Burton F. Beers Prentice Hall , New York 1993