Lolo Essay, Research Paper
In today s society the pressure is on for students to get good grades. Every one stress s how important it is to get a degree in something. Without a piece of paper saying that you are qualified in a certain field, then don t bother looking for a job that will set you straight for the rest of your life. What puts pressure on students to get good grades, I think involves parent s, pressure from others, and college. Parents definitely play a big role in school life. They just want the best for there children. But what they don t always realize is that they are putting a lot of pressure on their children. Some do it intently, and others just don t realize. I think that parents put pressure on their kids because they want them to strive to be the best. They want to be able to compare their own to others. Then they have their traditional bribe. That is if you get a 3.5 GPA then we will by you a brand new car. All this adds up, and for someone going through school it s a lot of pressure.
Pressure from others, also causes pressure on students to get good grades. A lot of students today are in competition to be the best. You have those who want to do well in school and then you have those who want to party. If a student is trying to study and all of his friends are calling him to go out and party, well the rest is pretty predictable.
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