Her birthname was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu.
She was born on August 26, 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia.
Her baptism date was August 27, 1910.
She was born Catholic.
Early life
When Agnes was 9, her father died.
She liked to go to church.
She went to help the poor when her mother couldn?t.
Agnes when to state school.
These were non-Catholic schools.
Agnes went to the Lyceum (college).
She sang second voice in their choir.
Her sister Aga was born in 1904.
Her brother Lazar was born in 1907.
Her mother?s name was Drana.
Her father, Kole died in 1919.
Interesting Facts
She was a sister in two or three different convents.
She played the mandolin at an early age.
She obtained the role of mother when she got the Mother house.
She was named after a Sister in the town she came from that died at and early age of 29.
Major Works/Accomplishments
Mother Teresa helped people all over the world.
She opened houses all over the world in different causes such as homes for women with unwanted pregnancies, abandoned children, people with leprosy, and people with AIDS.
She fought in the battle against abortion.
She died on September 7th, 1997.
She died in the Calcutta house.
She died at about 9:30 at night according to Indian Time Zones.
In 1971, she won the Peace Prize of Pope John Paul XXIII, the Prize of the Good Samaritan, and the Kennedy Prize.
In 1972, she won the Koruna Dut (Angel of Charity) from the President of India.
In 1973, she won the Templeton Prize.
In 1974, she won the Mater et Magistra.
In 1975, she won the Albert Schweitzer International Prize.
In 1977 and in 1982, She won the Doctor Honoris Causa in Theology.
In 1979, she won the Nobel Peace Prize.
In 1996, she won the Honorary Citizen of America.
She was one of the four people to get this award.
Her Life as a Nun
In 1928, she joined the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto.
She trains in religious life and learns English while living in the abbey in Dublin, Ireland.
In 1931, she goes to India where she fulfills her dream of becoming a missionary to the poor.
In 1948, she leaves the Sisters of Loreto and becomes a Sister of the Poor, training in the medical field so she can help the sick.
Timeline (Events on)
Born (August 26, 1910)
Father dies (1919)
Decides to become a nun (1928)
Left for the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto (Sept. 25, 1928)
Left for India (Dec. 1, 1928)
Reach Calcutta and go to Darjeeling (Early 1929)
Accepted a novice and sent to Bengali (May 23, 1929)
Makes final vows (May 24, 1937)
Inspiration Day (Sept. 10, 1937)
Left Sisters of Loreto and took vows (August 1948)
Former student helps Sister Teresa (March 19, 1949)
Papal visit (Oct. 7, 1950)
Obtains the Mother house and becomes Mother Teresa (c. 1950)
Becomes New Superior General (1992)
Her health begins to fail (1996)
Another Sister takes her place (March 13, 1997)
Mother Teresa dies (Sept. 5, 1997)