Writing A Poem Essay, Research Paper
Writing a Poem
It is beyond reason; there is no motive, no explanation
Why it is, I do not know because there is cause, no clarification.
Years upon years I’ve pondered the question
I have waited this long now I want a confession.
Today, yesterday, tomorrow, forever
It won’t fade a lot, a little, or at all whatsoever.
When it comes to you I can’t help but feel this way
Even though you punish my feelings each and every day.
From day one your image has been stuck in my mind
Regardless of everyone saying my feelings are blind.
But all these years I paid no attention
I didn’t give their suggestions any mention.
So I went on thinking every day and night
If I never gave up, our love would take flight.
At times it seemed we would never work out
And a relationship between us I began to doubt.
But despite all of my hardships I’ve listed above
One day you came to me and gave me your love.
The day had come and it was just like my dreams
I now know love is as great as it seems.
When I think of the hardships I’ve had to go through
I realize that our love is long over-due.