Cyrano Poem Essay, Research Paper
Cyrano, like the skipper, was brave and sure.
But this story, was not about a 3 hour tour.
It is about a fearless man, with friends and foe galore.
Who couldn?t get Roxanne, the girl he?d fallen for.
He could speak to women like a Casanova
but still the girls would just pass him over
it was his nose that made him busted
and left the females quite disgusted
he was a kind man, caring and giving
but people still starred, glaring or quivering
he was known for his sword, but of course his nose too
he was rarely insulted, unless by a fool
or maybe Christian, testing his cool
but he’d come quick with his comebacks, till their egos were blue
he was challenged by hundreds, in sword fights
but left his opponents shaking with fright
but he wanted nothing more, than to be with Roxanne
but he could not have her, she was taken by Christian
he spoke for his buddy, to convey his love
because Christian was pretty, but dumb as a slug
he acted as though he was helping his friend
but it was all part, of his master plan
he would enlighten Roxanne, on his undying love
while hiding behind, Christian?s nice mug
but his plan went arry, during a bloody fight
when Christian was killed, while in Roxanne?s sight
cyrano couldn?t tell her, that it was him
who had written, so gracefully, all those beautiful things
he would not make her suffer, any more than she had
fore he knew that it would make her, even more sad
he kept his great secret, for 15 more years
all of the while, having no fears
until he was hit, on the back of the head
he was knocked unconscious, and then he was dead
but before cyrano took his great dirt nap
his vow of silence would finally snap
he confessed to Roxanne all of his lies
and then he died, while by her side