Dearth contemporary
sources, mainly Romans ones, require careful evaluation,. ?
Dio says that
?threatening to recover everything which the Persians of old once used to
possess as far as the Hellenic sea, as his rightful inheritance form his
forebears? ? Shapur II maintains to Costanitius II ?even your ancient records
acknowledge that my forefathers held sway as far as the river Strymon and the
borders of Macedonia, and it is appropriate that I demand this territory?. ?
Iranian studies
dispute: did Saranians retain detailed knowledge of Achaemenid period, ?great
empire? ? but celebratory site near old on indicates some knowledge ?
So why didn?t they
exploit Roman weakness? Shapur captures Valerian mid 3rd century,
Shapur II defeats Julian in 363, Khurso I free to roam in Syria.? Content to abide with traditional status quo
and respect major territorial aggrandisement.?
Only Khurso II exploited opportunity in 602 and he didn?t attempt to
justify it by reclaiming Archaemenid inheritance. ?
Overall restraint
shows aims more limited – early emphasis on revival Iranian fortunes linked to
internal legitimisation? -? Khurso restored to throne by Romans needed
to prove emphatically not a puppet. ?
Crucial question is
how Romans perceived Persian aims ? clearly thought greater. ?
Anitoch thought to
have been Shapur II goal in 359, and conquest Syria thought to be aim of same
King through C I and CII ? entangled in sieges of fortress cities.? Romans thought merely a diversion to greater
aims, might actually have been aims. Procopius though Khurso?s aim to
permanently occupy Syria? – only stopped
by fortifications. ?
Also Romans think
reason for invasion of Lazica access to C on Black sea 0 not important whether
Khurso thought it feasible or wanted it.?
Gains substance from Khurso building a road from Iberia to Lazica and
continued fighting of war after 545 peace.?
Procopius thinks ship timbers being sent up to Lazica. ?
Perception shown Roman
desire to have suzerainty over Lazica inpeace of 561/62.? Later in century John of Ephesus says Genera
Tarnkhurso *conquer all Roman lands? ? irrelevant whether they said, Roman
assumption Sasanian kings intent on expanding on eastern provinces of Roman