Who Is Loved Exceedingly Essay, Research Paper
I don’t think that someone might ever be loved excessively. Everyone should be loved beyond measure. Love becomes excessive when it isn’t shared; every gesture towards the one who doesn’t love becomes embarrassing. There’s no fault in the fact that you don’t love; and there’s no merit in the fact that you love, as well: the love you have for someone (if it’s real) should be your own reward. It’s your own liability to raise the heart in the eyes of one whom you love; should you not succeed, keep your love unshared, close it in your soul and be happy that you’ll never see the ashes of a consumed love, which is the worst of all the images a lover might see.
And when love is shared, there is always an equilibrium, but this balance is shifted towards one of the parts involved: one always gives more and the other one always gives less. At this moment one might love exceedingly and the other one (accustomed to receive far more than he gives) might begin thinking that he has any merit thanks to which he should be loved. And then, yes, his eyes might become heartless as he no longer finds reward in the love he gives, because he gives far less than he receives.
Dear me! What a chemical comment I’ve just put down! You might say I’ve written about a chemical reaction, and not about a state of spirit. I should have been romantic and not inquisitive, shouldn’t I?
Actually, all I want is some warmth. Has ever been there more than this? Mind, spirit and heart get tired, senses atrophy, hope diminishes, trust becomes suspicious (annulling itself)… so what is there left… perhaps some warmth, shared cautiously and gratefully accepted to a certain extent.