A moment of silence.
They announce The Dancer.
Polite applause.
The music stirs.
The pulse of the drum quickens.
My everyday world fades away
as I approach the Gate.
Behind me lies my waking life.
Ahead of me lie only possibilities.
I step through the Gate,
onto the stage.
I am The Dancer.
I am Salom?, veiled in mystery.
I am Inanna, the Evening Star.
Feel my warmth as I share my art with you.
Feel my joy as I draw inspiration from the music.
Feel my power as I transform it into movement.
Feel my energy as I work my magic.
I am The Dancer.
I am Salom?, veiled in mystery.
I am Inanna, the Evening Star.
In full regalia, I command the stage.
And yet, I hold something back?
I am veiled,
robed in anticipation of things to come.
Promise. Potential. Pacing.
For now, I greet you, but veil my inner self.
Perhaps later I will unveil and share more.
I am The Dancer.
I am Salom?, veiled in mystery.
I am Inanna, the Evening Star.
Promise. Potential. Pacing.
Power lurks behind the veil,
power not yet unleashed,
power only hinted at?for now.
I pace myself for the dance yet to come.
I am The Dancer.
I am Salom?, veiled in mystery.
I am Inanna, the Evening Star.
My Dance Of Greeting draws to a close
as the music winds down.
The creative energy I?ve raised
draws a breath and waits.
Together, we?ve formed a triad of Power:
You, the musicians, and me.
Together, we?ll pass through the next Gate
and draw away the veil,
and explore the dance to come.
I am The Dancer.
I am Salom?, veiled in mystery.
I am Inanna, the Evening Star.