People with Generalized Anxiety disorder (GAD) had a mean of 5 (With 1 being poor mental health to 10 being excellent mental health). People with Major depression (MD) had a mental health mean of 4.266. The means were found to differ significantly from a Two-way analysis of variance, F (1,24)=5.26, p=.029. Therefore people with GAD are significantly more mentally stable than people with MD. However, only 3% of the variability in mental health is due to the type of disease. (Omega=.03)
The mean mental health scores received by all people who received Behavioral Dynamic, and no treatment were 4.4, 4.6, and 4.9 respectively. These means do not differ significantly when tested using a two-way analysis of variance. F (2,24) =.83, p=.453 Therefore the three treatment groups do not have a significant effect on mental health scores.
In regard to people with GAD, their mean number of mental health was 6.8 when they received Behavioral treatment, 5.2 when they received Dynamic treatment, and 1.71 when they received no treatment. For people with MD the means were 2, 4, and 6.8 respectively two-way between subjects ANOVA revealed a significant interaction between disorder and type of treatment, F (2.24)=60.83 p=. 000. Thus, the pattern of effects of the 3 types of treatment on mental health is significantly different for people with MD and GAD.
A Tukey HSD post hoc procedure was used to further delineate these different effects. A HSD of 1.71 shows that for people with GAD, Behavioral treatment and Dynamic treatment lead to better results than no treatment, but the differences between Behavioral and Dynamic treatment are not significantly significant. For people with MD, Dynamic Treatment shows better results than Behavioral treatment, yet people with No treatment do significantly better than people with either behavioral or dynamic treatment.
In summary, significant effects were found in the type of treatment for a significant disorder, but not in the treatment itself. Overall, in terms of people with General Anxiety disorder, Behavioral and Dynamic treatment showed significant improvement over no treatment. For MD, the no treatment group showed significant improvement in mental health, while the Dynamic treatment was only marginally better than the behavioral treatment for people with this disorder.