Stoicism Essay, Research Paper
Stoicism was the most influential philosophy in the Roman Empire before Christianity came about. Stoics believed that happiness could not be attained by material things. However, making the right choices and showing wisdom could attain true freedom. They thought that by not giving in to your desires you would be happier than if you did give in to them. Stoics held four characteristics to be the key to goodness: courage, justice, wisdom, and temperance.
Besides these beliefs, Stoics thought that all people were simply parts of a universal soul. They also believed that each individual should help another person despite wealth or social class.
Stoicism was officially founded by Zeno in c. 300 BC. This philosophy was greatly influenced by the ideas of Socrates and Plato. Obviously, it was introduced in Greece. Ancient Romans, however, were really the first people to give it acceptance.
Stoicism shows that not all ancient cultures believed in many gods. It shows that some of the smartest men ever to set foot on the earth figured out that there was really only one god. These men formed these ideas with little influence from monotheistic cultures. Also, stoicism goes directly against the stereotype that ancient civilizations were simple in their thoughts and religions.