Led Zeppelin 10 Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin , Led Zeppelin 1975 Physical Graffiti Led Zeppelin . Deep Purple 60 Deep Purple - The shades of Deep Purple . The Book of Taliesyn Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple 1969 Deep Purple Deep Purple in Rock . 1970 Black Night Deep
Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple , Led Zeppelin , Black Sabbath 70 Black Sabbath . Black Sabbath Black Sabbath Judas Priest , Iron Maiden , Magnum . 70 70 80 , Judas Priest ? 1969 1974 ? 1977 Judas Priest 1977 Sin after Sin , Deep Purple . 1978 Judas Priest ? 1979 , Take on the
World ? 14 British Steel 1980 , Judas Priest Iron Maiden 1977 Iron Maiden . 70 , Led Zeppelin ? Black Sabbath , Iron Maiden 1979 , Running Free Top of the Pops , The Who 1973 ? 1980 Iron Maiden Judas Priest . 4 ? Iron Maiden Killers 1981 Iron Maiden . 1988 . 1989 Iron Maiden Metal Hammer
Helloween Helloween Iron Maiden 80 Sex Pistols Police U2 Depeshe Mode 1978 80 Sex Pistols Depeshe Mode 1984 Depeshe Mode 80 U2 1982 U2 ? 1984 9 1987 10 10 U80 Distortion Metallica , Slayer , Celtic Frost Metallica Metallica 60 Metallica 1982 Metallica
Metallica 1983 MegaDeath Black Sabbath ? Led Zeppelin , Me Metallica Kill em All Judas Priest Ride the Lighting 1984 Metallica Metallica 1986 Metallica 24 , Metallica 340 , And justice for all - Metallica 1988 Kill em all 70 Black Sabbath ? Deep Purple . 90 Nirvana 80 ? 70
The Go-Go s , Nirvana , Pearl Jam , Soundgarden . Pearl Jam ? Soundgarden Nirvana , Nirvana Nirvana Pearl Jam ? Soundgarden Nirvana AC DC , Van Halen , Uriah Heep , Guns n Roses , Doors , Aerosmith ,