My Last Duchess Essay, Research Paper
The Haunting Aristocrat
In his dramatic monologue, Robert Browning uses irony, diction, and
imagery to achieve a haunting effect.
Robert Browning frequently wrote dramatic monologues to enhance the
dark and avaricious qualities in his works. Browning?s use of this particular
style is to ?evoke the unconstrained reaction of a person in a particular
situation or crisis? (Napierkowski 170). A poem may say one thing, but when
mixed with dramatic monologue, it may ?present a meaning at odds with the
speaker?s intention?(Napierkowski 170). This change may show the reader
more insight into the poem without directly stating the underlying facts. The
reader is allowed to ?isolate a single moment in which the character reveals
himself more starkly? (Napierkowski 171). Browning?s use of dramatic
monologue ?disposes the reader to suspend moral judgement? (Napierkowski
171) causing a haughtiness to hover over many of his works.
Browning uses irony in conjunction with dramatic monologue to produce
a sinister and domineering effect. Irony, much like dramatic monologue, can
make the reader question the true underlying meaning of the passage. This
brief confusion causes an eeriness to be brought about in the work. In ?My
Last Duchess,? verbal irony is demonstrated when the Duke says to his guests,
?even had you skill in speech . . . which I have not?(35-36). Throughout the
poem the Duke proves that he is ?quite a polished speaker?(Markley 172). The
Duke is not a modest man, but him making this seemingly humble statement in
the midst of all his power stricken remarks establishes situational irony.
Dramatic monologue can make an unforseen ironic statement have an
ominous surrounding that totally encompasses the reader?s attention. An
individual may initially become very disturbed if an unannounced late night
visitor knocked on their door, just as the Duke?s unanticipated remark brought a
weary feeling to the reader.
Throughout ?My Last Duchess,? Browning uses diction to further increase
the haunting effect of his dramatic monologue. His precise and scattered word
choice is meant to make the reader recognize the underlying haughtiness in his
speech to the Count?s emissary. The Duke refers to his former wife?s portraits
?depth? and ?passion? in order to place a cloudiness over the realism of the
painting. This, along with the ?faint? and ?half-flush? appearance that ?dies
along her throat,? brings about an overcast appearance to the poem. The
Duke?s ?trifling? lack of ?countenance? is evident in his jealousy of the
Duchess?s kindness toward others. Her benevolence ?disgusts? the Duke, and
causes him to ?stoop? down to spouting off ?commands? in her direction. The
Duke?s abrasive word choice intensifies the dominating effect in the poem ?My
Last Duchess.?
Browning?s use of imagery escalates the haunting effect in ?My Last
Duchess.? Throughout the poem the Duke proves to be the type of man that
has to be in control. His need for control is displayed when he tells his guest
that no one may draw ?the curtain . . . but I?(10). A portrait of his previous wife
is covered by this curtain. The Duke paints his own image of her through this
dialogue. Everything the reader hears about the lady is ?filtered through the
mind and voice of the Duke?(Charles 278). He is obsessed with being in
control. He didn?t have full control over his previous wife, and that is why he
refers to her as ?looking as if she were alive?(2) in the portrait. The dominating
image the Duke paints of himself by describing his last wife creates an eerie
The poem ?My last Duchess? concludes with one distinct domineering
image. The Duke draws his guest?s attention to a statue of Neptune taming a
seahorse in order to show that he will demand complete obedience from his
future wife. ?The Duke sees himself as a God?(Charles 279), who will not yield
to a subordinate for any reason. The image of the powerful god, taking control
of the seahorse demonstrates the Duke?s desired relationship between him and
any woman. Also, the Duke is showing the emissary that he will rule ?his
kingdom . . . with an iron fist?(Charles 279) just like Neptune. The Duke?s
overbearing statements prove that he will put fear into his wife through his
haunting tactics.
Robert Browning presents a creepy feeling through his dramatic
monologues. In ?My Last Duchess,? he shows the reader the Dukes
overbearing need for control and power through imagery, and he causes a
weariness to overcome the reader through irony. Browning?s use of precise diction
also contributes to the eerie developments throughout the poem. By combining
dramatic monologue, irony, precise diction, and imagery together, Browning is able
to produce his desired haunting effect.
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