Lagston Hughes Essay, Research Paper
Mother to Son
In Langston Hues poem Mother to Son, strong poetic elements are used to express the feeling he has about the past, present, and future as an African American. Although all the elements in this peaice of work do not stand out, they due exist. They help Hughes bring his message across both subtly and strongly, all depending on how, Mother to Son, is interpreted.
In this somewhat free verse ode, Hughes writes about a mother talking to her son, explaining the hardships she has faced throughout her life. She doesn t just do this by telling him, but metaphorically comparing it to walking a broken down staircase. Just like her life, it has had many, tacks in it, and splinters, and boards torn up, and places with no carpets on the floor. If you took these lines literally you couldn t understand that Hughes was setting the tone of the prom, a tone that says the boy shouldn t give up no matter what he faces. Just like walking the staircase, Where there ain t been no light. So, Boy don t you turn back, he shouldn t give up considering that she hasn t. All of these metaphors working together with the literal language, help make a perfect comparison that supports the tone superbly. Thus conveying its meaning much more deeply.
Another effect that makes Mother to Son stand out is it s modern layout. In my opinion it bares somewhat of a resemblance to a broken down staircase by having many ups and downs, and odd breaks. If this was done purposely it will never be known, it is however sure that Mother to Son is a perfect example of poetic elements, and compelling writing.
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