Everybody who has been to the USA was probably astonished to see so many ways of life and so many different coloured people living next to each other. One could easily think that Amerika is a very good example of a multicultural society. But is this really true?
One argument for the multicultural society is that in North Amerika so many different cultures are living next to each other. That’s because everybody except the Native Americans came from somewhere else into the “New World”. Even then conflict were erasing from this variety of people and cultures, like it is today. These problems are caused by not-understanding the other’s culture and backround. Often these conflicts were and are shown through anger and violence. A succession of this is racism, a typical problem of a multicultural society.
But there are also ghettos which are places where only members of one culture live. So accually everybody is in his own culture and is not meeting different ideas and opinions. Through the centuries living together almost no single culture is origin but mixed with others. So one could say America has one universal culture and is therefor not multicultural.
Although there are gettos where people who feel members to the same culture live, they still live with other cultures in the same country. Even if they don’t see each other. Also a multicultural society is not defined as peaceful living together of different cultures, so fight are normal. Concluding one can say that the USA is a multicultural society.