Hesiod once said, “He for himself weaves woe who weaves for others woe” expressing the belief that those who bring sorrow to others are also bringing sorrow upon themselves. Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights seems to validate Hesiod’s idea of the disastrous consequences of hate and revenge. Bronte suggests that revenge brings uhuappiness to all involved, including those who seek it. Certainly, the victims of a revengeful attack suffer from the pain and grief that their enemies have thrust upon them. However, they are not the only who feel the sharp sting and painful consequences of revenge. Though one who seeks revenge may believe that it will bring joy, ironically, vengeance may deal the most severe blow on the avenger. Revenge leaves no soul untouched, hurting all, as it destroys every life in its path.
Vengeful and malicious acts undoubtedly bring misery and suffering into the lives of the victims. All of Heathcliff’s actions are done wiht the sole purpose of makinghis nemeses’ lives as miserable as possible. Catherine Linton, one of Heathcliff’s many adversaries, suffers immensely as a result of Heathcliff’s tormenting. One of Heahcliff’s malevolent acts is forcing Linton to sign a will giving Heathcliff all ownership of the land formerly belonging to Heathcliff’s enemies. Heathcliff’s wicked plan is successful in robbing Catherine of her joys and leaving her “destitute of cash and friends.” Heathcliff’s cruel treatment damages Catherine’s spirit. In her misery, she can “fell and see only death” and moreover she “feel[s] like death.” Heathcliff’s bitterness is spread far, and also takes its toll against Hindley Earnshaw. Cunning and scheming, Heathcliff is easily able to take hold of Earnshaw’s possessions, leaving Earnshaw helpless and poor. Earnshaw is doomed “to be a beggar” and is sadly unable to ask his enemy to leave, for fear that hi will “lose all, without a chance of retrieval.” Earnshaw, in the depths of despair, is bitter and angry toward Heatcliff, knowing that, “he’ll be [Earnshaw's] ruin.” Edgar Linton is another rival of Heathcliff, and Isabella Linton, Edgar’s sister, suffers in consequence of Heathcliff’s wrath towards him. Heathcliff entices Isabella to elope with him and “marrie[s Isabella] on purpose to obtain power over [Edgar}." Heathcliff then treats Isabella as "Edgar's proxy in suffering" until Heathcliff can inflict pain on Edgar. Isabella suffers in constant cear and "a tiger or a venomous serpent could not rouse terror in [her] equal to that which [Heathcliff] wakens” because she knows that “he’ll be [her] death.” Vindictive and spiteful deeds indubitably hurt the victims of these evil doings.
Even though one may seek revenge to gain pleasure and happiness, reprisal may often be most detrimental to the avenger. Though Heathcliff is consumed by the idea of revenge throughout his life, his vindictiveness fails to bring him anything but misery. Revenge cannot bring Heathcliff the happiness and love he desires, and though he has wealth and stature “nobody loves [him] – nobody will cry for [him] whien [he] die[s].” Instead of being content and satisfied once hiw life long plan for revenge is complete, Heathcliff is “miserable…lonely like the devil, and envious like him.” The satisfaction which Heathcliff had been seeking is missing, and he is “too happy; and yet [he is] not happy enough.” He reaches the summit after his long climb, and discovers that the reward he is expecting is not at the peak. His revenge is complete, yet strength and contentment are lacking since his “soul’s bliss kills [his] body, and does not satisfy itself.” The idea of revenge consumes Heathcliff and his continuous quest for retribution ultimately takes over his life. His single aim in life has “dovoured [his] existence” and hi is “swallowed up in the anticipation of its fulfillment.” Though he longs for revenge, Heathcliff has become tired in his older age and acknowledges that “it is a long fight” and even admits that he “wish[es] it were over.” Those who seek revenge often do not realize that the effects of revenge can not be predicted and many times they are most injurious to themselves.
Heathcliff’s acts of revenge spread suffing and anguish throughout the land, affecting all who come in contact with it. This powerful vendetta had flown through their lives as a hurricane and left only destruction and ruin behind. Fiery hate and revenge can bring no warmth or light; it can only destroy everything that lies in its path. The weavers of woe shall bring only misery into the world as they weave the threads of pain and wretchedness into life’s tapestry.