My Grandmothers Landuryroom Essay, Research Paper
My Grandmothers Landuaryroom
The first time I walked through my grandparent’s house I thought the living room with all of its beauty was my favorite room, but I changed my mind. As I continued through the house, I approached the master bathroom, which was just lovely. Later I discovered that their bathroom was my favorite place in her house.
The colors in the bathroom were peaceful. The reflection from the day lily wallpaper, towels, and rugs added a brilliant blue color to the room. When I was standing at the door, the next thing I saw was the curtain that hung above the whirl pool bathtub that sits in the opposite corner of the bathroom from where I was standing. The curtain was a beautiful light lavender blue. As I looked down, the shiny new white tile floor gleamed up at me.
The fixture and bathing areas were just great. The stand-up shower with its graceful, clear glass doors really got my attention. The whirlpool bathtub in its own little corner had real day lilies surrounding it. The toilet with the oak surface seat and brass handle sat in its own little corner of the bathroom. The two-sink counter was beautiful, it had a brass tray with small, old perfume bottles on it: on each side of the sinks there is hanging medicine cabinets.
I believe my grandparents’s bathroom is the most elegant of all bathroom’s that I have ever seen. I choose this part this place also because it is not an place most people go for beauty it a place where people go to do there business. I go there to relax or to just get lost in the elegance of the room.