is the flow of all money, both into and out of the business. When bills are
paid or stocks are bought, the money flows out, but when the products are
purchased the money flows in. Bills cannot be paid if there isn?t enough money
flowing in. Poor
cash flow means that you have not got enough money in your business to meet
day-to-day expenses and costs. This could cause problems for you, such as: ·
not being paid on time ? This will make them annoyed, since they have bills to
pay of their own. They may leave. ·
not being paid on time ? Some companies may not wait for you to pay them, and
my take legal action against you. If you can?t afford to pay the bills still
you could be declared bankrupt/in the case of a sole trader forced to sell
possessions, and forced to stop trading.You
can create something called a cash flow forecast, to help you to anticipate
when there might be a lack of money, when an overdraft may be needed to get
through the month. Estimating
the cash inflow, outflow, and calculating your bank balance at the beginning
and end of the month create a cash flow forecast.You have to guess at what time of year your product would
not do so well, for example books may sell better in the summer months when
more people go on holiday and buy books to read whilst they are away.I am not going to create a cash flow forecast for my
business, since I don?t think I have enough information to estimate the above
things, and I don?t really think books sell a substantial amount more at any
particular time of year.