Genetically Engineeres Crops/animals Essay, Research Paper
Genetically engineered crops/animals
Man has been changing the genetic make-up of plants and
animals, in a limited way, for thousands of years–ever
since he look to planting seed from those wild grasses
that gave the most grain and were easiest to harvest,
or started keeping his fattest Cattle and woolliest
sheep to breed from. We’ve come a long way since then,
and today’s sophisticated breeding techniques have led
to such break-through as high-yielding rice and dwarf
wheat. Despite our advances though, our ability to
Create new plants and animals is greatly limited by our
dependence on the breeding mechanisms that Nature
This situation is not going to change straight
away. However, recent research indicates that one day,
we may be able to take living cells and combine in them
the genes from quite different organisms to create new
kinds of living things. In fact a few pioneering
research teams have already done this with some very
simple forms of life–using techniques people are
referring to as genetic engineering. The teams have
taken genes derived from higher animals including
humans, and transferred them into bacteria so that they
produce substances like egg-white protein or specific
human hormone.
Of course, an enormous amount of research will be
needed to move from experiments with bacteria to being
able to genetically engineer new crop plants or farm
animals. Even so,…
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