The Connection Between The Catcher in the Rye and Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D Salinger, is a novel that touches on many important themes. J.D Salinger uses his vivid details and descriptions to portray themes throughout the novel. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, written by the Cardigans, also touches on similar themes compared to The Catcher in the Rye. One of the themes that both the novel and song share in common is the theme that a person often doesn t accept the truth, even though he or she knows it s true. Another theme that is displayed by both the novel and song is the theme that a person often has a desire to kill those who have hurt him or her.
An important theme throughout The Catcher in the Rye is how Holden doesn t want to accept the truth. He knows that he is too idealistic, and he can t keep children pure forever, but he doesn t give into it. The literary element of characterization plays a major role in portraying this theme. J.D. Salinger really uses the character of Holden to develop this theme. J.D Salinger develops Holden as a person that is very idealistic and looks for perfection in the world. Holden is very idealistic, and he doesn t want to give in that he can t keep children pure from the world. It is as if he is afraid to accept the truth. Mr. Antolini says that people destroy themselves by looking for something their own environment [can t] supply them with (Salinger 162). Holden is looking for something that can t be found in this world. One shouldn t expect something from the world that the world can t deliver. A person has to accept the truth that he or she can t look for something that their environment can t supply. The song, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, also portrays this theme through its lyrics:
You ve seen life through distorted eyes
You know you had to learn
The execution of your mind
You really had to turn (1-4)
The truth is out, the lies are old
But you don t want to know (7-8)
This quote definitely demonstrates Holden and this theme. The literary element of themes is used within this song. The Cardigans in these lines used the literary element of themes to portray that people often don t want to accept the truth. This stanza of the song is saying that some people often see life through distorted eyes in which they can t find reality. They are looking for something that can t be found. Holden sees life through distorted eyes, and he is looking for perfection in this world. He somewhat knows that it can t be found, but he doesn t want to accept that. Holden looks too hard for perfection in this world. He has to accept the world for what it is. Both the song and Mr. Antolini s quote is saying that a person should accept the truth and not turn his or her head from it.
Another theme that is portrayed in both the novel and the song is the desire by one to get revenge on those who have hurt him or her. In this novel, when Holden sees the curse words on the walls of the school, he goes crazy. The literary element of characterization is used once again to portray this theme. J.D. Salinger develops Holden as a person that believes in keeping children pure and one that gets hurt when something is done that can hurt children. J.D. Salinger develops the character of Holden to be of one that cares for children. Holden can t believe what a student has done on the walls. He believes that children should be kept pure, and they shouldn t turn into adults. He wants to find the person that writes the curses on the wall. Holden said, I kept wanting to kill whomever d did it I kept picturing myself catching him at it, and how I d smash his head on the stone steps till he was good and goddam dead and bloody (Salinger 185). Holden is really hurt by the curse words on the wall. This shows how a person often has desires to kill someone when he or she has been hurt. This song, also, uses the literary element of themes once again. The song depicts people that want to kill those who have been very harmful in their lifetime. The song says, The people who have crippled you/ You want to see them burn (13 14). This quote is saying that when a human being does something to hurt another person that other person will have the desire to take revenge on that human being. Many people look to find revenge on those that have hurt them. It s pretty much human nature to act in this manner. Both the novel and the song depict the theme of people having the desire to get revenge on those that have hurt them.
Both the novel and the song portray similar themes. There is a connection between the song and the novel. They are similar in the way that they both depict similar themes. One of the themes depicted in both is the theme of people not wanting to accept the truth. The truth is known, but people find it hard to accept it. Some people do not want to acknowledge that he or she is wrong in their thinking. The other theme established by both the novel and the song is the theme of people having desires to hurt those who have hurt them. People often are looking for revenge. Both the novel and the song depict similar themes.