Character Analysis – Jane Eyre
For a variety of reasons, Jane Eyre is the most clearly intelligible character in the Gothic fiction by the same name. We view her development by her own assessment retrospectively. It is vital however to realize the vast differences between our protagonist and the narrator. We witness Jane s development as she encounters the unknown in a life of adversity and mysticism. Our narrator, on the contrary, is an adult, ten years married and well into a life of serenity. We know only that which she wishes told.
“I am only bound to invoke memory where I know her responses will
possess some degree of interest.”
In this respect we become well acquainted with the young Jane Eyre. Her experiences, words and reactions to various situations play an integral role in her relationship with the reader. Furthermore, the narrator gives us insight into her own character through her interpretations of past experiences.
Jane is far from the traditional heroine. She is no Sleeping Beauty, but rather, an “indigent and insignificant plebeian” by her own admission. She is plain, small, unloved, forthright, and lonely. Her struggle for love and independence without violation of her integrity can be observed in a few key events in here life. At Gateshead she rebels against…
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