I saw the flier from Tech, and it was second week of school. I spotted out a robotic course at MIT. The program seemed tailored to my interest in math and science and to my competitive spirit. I couldn?t resist the opportunity. When I asked some of my friends if they were willing to sign up for a course with me, most of them discouraged me by telling me it was too advanced for them or they did not have time for such a course. Finally one of my friends and I signed up.
The first day was not the best day. My friend and I were the only two students from our school who had signed up for this course and other people in that class seemed to know much more about robotics than what we knew. We were all given identical kits containing Lego parts, a microscope, sensor, motors, batteries, and wire. Our task was to design a computer-controlled robot that would navigate around a game board.
Before our project was initiated, we divided ourselves into groups and competed against each other. Sometimes we competed against other groups of students from other programs.
My group faced many real world problems like the breaking of a wire at the last minute before a major the competition, or the robot refusing to follow the algorithm, which we had installed. I made my full share of mistakes, but by the end of the program, I had gained some real experience. Although our robot did not fare very well in the first couple of competitions, we came in second in our last competition. My learning process was underway, and I knew that I had found my place.
Toward the end of the class my instructor asked me if I would like to come for the spring course as assistant instructor. The Experience I gained was worthwhile and an exhilarating affair while helping other in designing their Robots. I learned a lot from them while I was helping the spring group in designing their Robots. By then I knew I wanted robotics as my career.
I planned to take classes in my senior year, which would help me in Robotics. I am taking course like AP computer science and AP physics, which will help me to get into Robotics. My intended major in college is Computer science, which is part of Robotics.
I gained skills and experience when I had worked in-group and as an instructor, and those are the skills needed to work in an entrepreneurial business environment, which I have selected as my career objective.
Pursuing Bachelor degree in Computer Science at the University of Boston will help me to get in Robotics my intended Graduate Major. I can?t wait to get in to