My Crush Essay, Research Paper
There once was a guy i really liked
Ever since 6th grade.
Last year was when he moved away;
Goodbye to him I bade.
I really truly liked this guy.
The reasons are unknown.
For him I’d turn inside out.
My efforst were visibly shown.
I’d smile and wave and be a fool
While he’d just smile back.
I really enjoyed talking to him;
Conversation never slacked.
We’d talk about all kinds of things,
But I never ever asked
About if he ever liked me back
Even if in the past.
It truly deeply hurt me so
To know he didn’t like me.
Sure he liked me as a fried.
Why couldn’t I be his sweetie?
In the hall I’d say hi and bye.
He’d give me one of his smiles.
I never quite understood why
I’d hate him for a little while.
I’ve often admired the way he dressed
And the way he walked.
I also liked the way he tossed his hair
And the way he talked.
I thought he was the one for me.
I realize that was dumb.
For now I see he’s not Mr. Right;
I haven’t found The One.
I have learned so many things
From liking this one guy.
I’ve learned that unrequited love sucks;
No need to wonder why.
I’ve often hoped things would work out.
Fortunately, they did not.
It took me some time to get over him,
And now I like him not.