Ocean Fisheries Essay, Research Paper
Most people are familiar with the problems of the blue whale, efforts to save
endangered sea turtles, and the many tragic tales of dolphins dying in tuna
nets. Many people do not realize the extreme danger that tuna and many other
fish face. There is an alarming decline in fish populations, and this poses a
dangerous threat to life in the ocean. If fish decline, so does the sea, into
and unstable environment. Conservation measures, and public support for them are
badly needed. For decades man has taken fish out of the sea, seeming to believe
that there is an endless supply, and that this supply cannot be destroyed. We
take these fish out of the sea faster than they can be replaced. According to
National Marine Fisheries services, 90 fish species found off the shores of the
U. S. have been depleted. Many more are in danger off being killed off. Fish and
shell fish that are at danger include: cod, flounder, swordfish, bluefin tuna,
blue marlin, Atlantic lobster, red snapper, salmon and some species of shark.
These are just a few and the list gets longer every year. The chief problem of
the fish numbers being at an all-time low, is over fishing. Yet another
environmental problem caused by the human race. Modern, technologically-advanced
fishing fleets have the capacity to push most fish populations to the brink of
extinction. Modern fishing fleets have large factory steam trawlers that can
easily haul in net loads of up to 100 metric tons of fish. These vessels can
work fishing grounds for many months at a time. Echo sounding has been useful to
fisherman by locating and determining the species and size of fish shoals.
Airplanes and helicopters are even used to detect the surface fish. Some species
such as squid are attracted with strong lights and then sucked into the ship
with powerful vacuum pumps. Because of these improved technologies more fish can
be harvested, but about one-fourth of the global catch, ( over 20 million tons
of fish and other marine animals) are discarded yearly by fisherman. Some of
these fleets throw away more fish than they keep. This waste is a problem in
almost every fishery. The threat of over fishing is increased be the threat of
large-scale changes to marine ecosystems. Most salt water fish spend most of
their time near coastal areas, but the problem is that these coastal waters are
being assaulted by pollution and development. Without healthy, functioning
coastal systems, fish cannot grow or reproduce, they simply cannot and will not
survive. There are a number of steps that can be taken in order to conserve our
waters and the fish in them. One big thing we can do is crack down on the
companies and the people that are harming the environment. We could have harsher
punishments for those committing crimes against our oceans, and the ocean
wildlife. Another thing that could cut down on over fishing is to fine companies
that over fish a large amounts and use that money to put back into our waters.
If something is not done about the problems of over fishing and water pollution,
permanent changes will take place in the ocean food chain. The predator-prey
relationships of the ocean will cease to exist. These relationships, which took
millions of years to evolve, will be destroyed. The depleting fish populations
will alter and damage the genetic and species diversity of the ocean world. If
we could understand the meaning of moderation, perhaps over fishing would not be
a problem that our environment would have to endure.
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