Chapter three The Idea of Form Introduction Plato-when philosophy came of age: we can also encounter the first philosophical system. Philosophical system- fundamental idea or theory that is worked out for all aspects of experience. Plato’s Philosophy- reality, knowledge, ethics, art, religion, cosmetology etc. Plato and Socrates Plato- finest writer of ancient Greece.Develops the ideas of his teacher Socrates through portrayals of Socrates’ discussions Plato gradually introduced his own ideas in place of his teacher. Socratic Problem- where the real Socrates leaves off and Plato’s own ideas begin. The Two World’s: Appearance and Reality Plato introduced the Two -Layer view of reality: what appears to be real and what is real. Also known as becoming and being. Becoming: ever-changing world around us Being external world and unchanging reality. Why? First, his view is a reaction to his predecessor, Protagoras: “Man is the measure of all things.” OR “a man is the measure of all things; of the things that are, that they are, and of the things that are not, that they are not.” means; the individual is the criterion unto himself or herself as to what exists and what doesn’t. Also to include truth and morality. Whatever you perceive as true or false is true or false. Knows as relativism.
Relativism: makes the most important things relative to and dependent upon the individual or because it asserts that the subject is the source and standard of being, truth and goodness. Plato: this was absurd. Our understanding of being, truth, and goodness must be anchored in some objective (that exists outside of our own minds), independent (it is not dependent on anything else for its existence) and absolute (it does not come or go or otherwise change) Reality: There must then exist above our minds and beyond this world another world, a world of Reality (being) Second: a reaction to another predecessor Heraclitus (pre-Socratic). Heraclitus “The sun is new everyday” and “We are and we are not.” These are ways in which Heraclitus expressed his view that everything is constantly changing, nothing stands still for a moment.