Euthanasia Essay, Research Paper
In today’s society, if you ask five people who Jack Kevorkian is then three or more would know who he is. The issue of euthanasia has been on the media’s forefront for several years. There are several pros and cons to this issue. Some of these pros are as follows: it would help to end pain and suffering, it allows a person to die with dignity, and it also helps the grieving process because the person knows when they are gonna die. Some of the cons for this issue would be as follows: the denial of any chance of survival, God’s right to take a life would also be denied.
In my opinion, Aristotle would have been against euthanasia because of his theory of virtue ethics. God says “Thou shalt not kill” and God is the supreme authority therefore taking your own life would be a sin. There are no exceptions to this commandment.
Immanuel Kant derived his beliefs on his theory of duty ethics. This is where consequences matter not the intent therefore if euthanasia stops all pain and suffering then this would be a good act. Immanuel Kant did believe in euthanasia.
John Stuart Mill believed that the consequences are outweighed by the intent. This would mean that John Stuart Mill would be for euthanasia. Never mind the fact that the person still dies, pain and suffering are ended so it is considered good. Mill would be for euthanasia if it was used as a final resort to end all pain and suffering.
Euthanasia is a way to end pain and suffering for those who are terminally ill and have no other way to end the pain. Patients can set up an advanced directive, this allows them to choose the doctor and hospital and decided if they want to perform euthanasia or not. They can also set up a proxy or living will, which allows someone else to make all decisions for them.