, Research Paper
The dramatic war-like classic of a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, it is Star Wars. The reason most people go to see it is because of the THX digitally mastered sound, the new visual effects, the superb acting, but most of all the all important theme, without which, Star Wars would not be half the film that it is. But now, it has launched Lucasfilm Ltd. into a new era and taken all the world with it.
When Star Wars was first made in 1977, nobody expected it to become a big movie. George Lucas had only a small crew, a moderate number of actors without much of a reputation, the London Symphony Orchestra, and a bunch of college students to help out with the effects. But once the people started watching it and the word spread, it developed into a multimillion dollar investiture. Reason: the plot. Up to that time, the most realistic sci-fi movies ranged from B rated Ed Wood movies to the classic ?Take me to your leader? films. Nothing was ever made that even compared to Star Wars. Even the Star Trek series seemed untechnological.
When the movie starts out, it takes a whole new concept to bear : a small space cruiser being chased by one that?s half the size of our planet. And then the small ship is raided by cruel looking soldiers in space suits lead by a half man half robot. The imperials, as the cruel army is called, are looking for the plans to their already built battle station, called the Death Star. Two robots escape in a pod with the plans. Now the protagonist is introduced, Luke Skywalker. A farmer on the same desert world that the robots landed on, he leads a boring life, even though he does turn out as the major protagonist at the end of the movie. When his uncle buys the robots and the one with the plans wanders off, Luke chases after it and winds up with the one who the little droid, Artoo, sought. Obi Wan Kenobi, as the man is called, tells Luke that his father was a man of great power and proceeds to explain the force, the all powerful entity that controls all people.
To people of the 70?s, this was a totally new idea. The thought of something which controls everything and everyone and can, at the same time can be utilized and controlled by those that it controls, hit many people hard on the head. But, it WAS the 70?s and that wasn?t TOO ridiculous. The story progresses and Luke finds his uncle?s and aunt?s charred remains following an imperial attack and agrees to go with Kenobi. They locate a pilot to take them to the destination planet, but find that it has been completely destroyed by the imperials. They then go to the Death Star (accidentally) and are almost captured, but then save Princess Leia, who was the woman who was carrying the Death Star plans until her ship was attacked. Before the crew can get off the Death Star, however, Obi Wan Kenobi is slain by the half robot, half man, Darth Vader in a fight. When the sextet of the two robots, the Princess, Luke, the pilot (Han Solo), and his wookie assistant (Chewbacca) arrive at the h!
eadquarters of the resistance against the imperials, otherwise known as the Rebel Aliance, Artoo displays the plans for the Death Star and an attack is planned. The Death Star?s commanders know where the rebel base is and head for it to destroy that planet. However, the attack on the Death Star is made and Luke uses the force to launch two torpedoes from his fighter space craft into the Death Star?s main reactor, and destroys it.
In this film, Episode IV, Luke is but a 17 year old young man and does not know the ways of life. When he starts out, he is but a boy who is doomed to stay on his desert planet for another year to help his uncle farm. But he hates it. Like his father, Anakin Skywalker, he has great ambitions, even though he is still a little bit selfish. Overall he?s a nice young man, but still needs to learn the lessons of life, and by joining the alliance he learns discipline and self control, not by the way we would do it, but by way of war. Even though this movie is mostly meant for pure entertainment, a conclusive aspect towards war can be drawn from it.
When Luke finds his uncle?s and aunt?s charred skeletons, his life is completely changed. He develops a dislike towards the Galactic Empire and a need to revenge his aunt?s, uncle?s, and father?s deaths. Highly motivated, he goes all out to completely save the rebellion against the imperials. This way, he is truly made a man.
Overall, Star Wars is a great movie. It?s perfect for almost any viewer and is highly thought of as one of the best movies and best trilogies ever. And even though movies have only been around for about 90 years, the Star Wars trilogy will be forever remembered as one of the best there ever was.
Quotes and Major Themes
?Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you?re my only hope.? -Princess Leia, pleading to Kenobi on a recorded message to help her fight the Empire
?There will be no one to stop us this time.? -Darth Vader, after invading an Alliance
?Owen, he?s too much like his father.? Luke?s aunt talking to his uncle about him.
?Your devotions to that sorcery of yours has not given you clairovoyance enough to locate that rebel base…? -An anonymous moff (high general) addressing
Darth Vader
?I find your lack of faith disturbing.? -Darth Vader addressing that same moff while choking him with telekinetics.
?You may fire when ready…? Moff Tarkin, the commander of the Death Star, giving
the order to destroy Alderan, Leia?s home planet.
?I felt a disturbance in the force as if millions of people all screamed at once and
then died out.? Obi-Wan Kenobi relating the destruction of Alderan
?You have grown old with age; now I am the master.?
?Only a master of evil, Darth.? -Darth Vader and Kenobi just before Kenobi?s death.
?Way to go, Kid! That shot was one in a million!? -Han Solo celebrating with Luke
after Luke destroys the Death Star.
?Luke, the force will be with you. Always.? Obi-Wan Kenobi?s presence talking to
Major scenes -
1. The imperial capturing of Princess Leia.
2. The destruction of Alderan.
3. The rescuing of Leia from the Death Star.
4. The death of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
5. The destruction of the Death Star
This is also a bunch of major scenes I copied from Henry V. It took me for hours to transfer from paper to computer, but I did it. Perfect for actors or people who need Shakespearian script
Excerpts from King Henry V
Main Characters :
King Henry The Fifth
Duke of Exeter, Uncle to the King
Archbishop of Canterbury
Montjoy, A FrenchHerald
(Optional Part) Katherine, Princess of France
Governor of Harfleur
Chor. Turn the accomplishments of many years into an hor glass: for which supply. Admit me to this history; who, prologue-like, your humble patience pray, gently
To hear, and kindly to judge, our play!
Act I, Scene II, An Ante-chamber in the King?s Palace
K. Hen. Where is my gracious lord of Canterbury?
Exe. Not here in presence.
K. Hen. Send for him, good uncle
Exe. Shall we call in the Ambassador, my liege?
K. Hen. Not yet; we would be resolv?d
Before we hear him, of some things of weight, that task our thoughts, concerning Us and France
Enter the Archbishop of Caterbury
Cant. God and his angels guard your sacred throne, and make you long become it!
K. Hen. Sure, we thank you. My learned lord, we pray you proceed, and justly and
Religiously unfold. For God doth know how many, now in health, shall drop their Blood in approbation of what your reverence shall incite us to : therefore, take Heed how you inspawn our person, how you awake the sleeping sword of war: we Charge you, in the name of God, take heed; for never two such kingdoms did Contend without much fall of blood; whose guiltless drops are every one a woe, a Sore complaint. For we will hear, note, and believe in heart that what you speak is In your conscience wash?d as pure as sin with babtism.
Cant. Then hear me gracious sovereign, and you peers. I speak of Charles the Great. Also King Louis the Tenth, who was sole heir to the usurper Capet, could not keep Quiet in his conscience wearing the crown of france, till satisfied that fair Queen Isabel, his grandmother, was lineal of his daughter by which the great marriage of Charles was re-united to the crown of France. So that, as clear as the sun, all French kings hold to the right and title of the female to this day; howbeit they Would hold up this law, to bar your highness claiming from the female and rather Choose to hide them in a net than amply to imbar their crooked titles usurp?d from You and your progenitors.
K. Hen. May I with right and conscience make this claim?
Cant. The sin upon my head, dread sovereign!
Exe. Your brother kings and monarchs of the earth do all expect that you should rouse Yourself, as did the former lions of your blood. They know your grace hath cause And means and might:- so hath your highness; never king of England had nobles Richer and more loyal subjects, whose hearts have left their bodies here in England, and lie pavilion?d in the fields of France.
K. Hen. We do not mean the coursing of snatchers only, but fear the main intendment of The Scot, who hath been still a giddy neighbour to us. Bring the message sent From Dauphin. Now are we well resolv?d: and, by God?s help and yours, the Noble sinews of our power, France being ours, we?ll bend it to our awe, or break It all to pieces or there we?ll sit ruling in large and ample empery o?er France and All her almost mighty kingly duke of doms, or lay these bones in an unworthy Urn, tombless, with no remembrance over them: either our history shall with full Mouth speak freely of our acts or else our grave shall have a tongueless mouth, Not worshipped like a waxen epitaph. Therefore with frank and with uncarbed Plainness what tresure doth the Dauphin present us with, uncle?
Exe. Tennis balls, my liege,
K. Hen. When we have match?d our rackets to these balls, we will, in France, by God?s Grace, play a set, shall strike his father?s crown into the hazard. Tell him he hath Made a mistake with suck a joke, that all courts of France will be disturb?d with Chases. And we understand him well, how he comes o?er us with our wilder days, Not measuring what use we made of them. We never valu?d this poor seat of England; And therefore, living hence, did give ourself to barbarous license; as ?tis Ever common that men are merriest when they are from home.
Exe. This was a merry message.
K. Hen. We hope to make the slender blush at it. Therefore, my lords, omit no happy hour That may give furtherance to our expedition; for we have now no thought in us But France. Save those to God, that run before our business. Therefore let our Proportions for this war be soon collected, and all things thought upon that may With reasonable swiftness add more feathers to our wings; for, God before, we?ll Chide this Dauphin at his father?s door. Therefore let every man now task his Thought, that this fair action may on foot be brought.
Narrator : Now the England begin a long voyage towards the heart of France, Agincourt.
King Henry, with only a small force of 2,000 confronts the gates of Harfleur, one Of the main French forts standing in the English?s path, and lays siege to it, and Nearly destroys it before demanding and immediate surrender.
Act III, Scene II [Before the Gates of Harfleur]
K. Hen. How yet resolves the governor of this town? This is the latest parley we will Admit : therefore, to our best medrcy give yourselves; or like to men proud of Destruction, defy us pur worst: for I am a soldier, if I begin the battery once again, I will not lieve the half achieved Harfleur, ?till in her ashes she lie buried. The Gates of mercy shall all be shut up. What is?t to me when you yourselves are caise If your pure maidens fall into the hand of hot and forcing violations?
Exe. Therefore, you men of Harfleur, take pity of your town and people whiles yet the Soldiers are in command; whiles yet the cool and temperate wind of grace O?erblows the filthy and contagious clouds of heady murder, spoil and villainy.
K. Hen. What say you? Will you yield, and this avoid? Or guilty in defence, and thus Destroy?d?
Gov. Our expectation hath this day an end: the Dauphin, whom of succor we entreated, Returns us that his powers are not yet ready to raise so great a siege. Therefore, Great king, we yield our town and lives to thy mercy. Enter our gates; dispose of Us and ours, for we are no longer defensable.
K. Hen. Open your gates. -Come uncle Exeter, go you and enter Harfleur, there remain And fortify it strongly against the French. Use mercy to them all. For us, dear Uncle, we will retire to Calais. To-night in harfleur will we be your guest; Tomorrow for the march are we adresst.
Narrator. The English army presses through Harfleur on to Agincourt. On the way, Henry Has one of his best friends hung for stealing from a Church and spies on his own Encampment to see how his troops? morale is doing. After, reaching Agincourt, Henry gives a long but extremely effective inspirational speech and the English Engage the French, who have 10 times the men, in a short but extremely bloody And destructive battle, known now as the Battle of Agincourt. After the fighting, Henry awaits the results.
Act IV, Scene III
K. Hen. All things are ready if our minds be so.
Exe. Perish the man whose mind is backward now!
K. Hen Thou dost not wish any more help from England , uncle?
Exe. God?s will! My liege, would you and I alone, without more help fight this royal battle!
Enter Montjoy
Mont. Once more I come to know of thee, King Harry, if for thy ransome thou wilt now Compound, before thy most assured overthrow: for certainly thou art so near the Gulf thou needs must be englutted. Besides, in mercy, the constable desires thee Thou wilt mind thy followers of repentance; that their souls may make a peaceful And a sweet retire from off these fields, where, wretches, their poor bodies must Lie and fester.
K. Hen. Who hat sent thee now?
Mont. The constable of France
K. Hen. I pray thee, bear my former answer back and turn them out of service. If they do this, as if God plese, they shall, my ransom then will soon be levied. Herald save thou thy labour. Come thou no more for ransom, gentle herald. But tell me this, is the day ours?
Mont. The day is yours.
K. Hen. God be praised
Montjoy Exits
Exe. The list of casualties, my lord. Of the French lords and barons, knights and squires, full fifteen hundred, besides common men.
K. Hen. This note doth tell me of ten thousand French That in the field lie slain: of PPrinces in this number, and nobles bearing banners, there lie dead one hundred And twenty-six: added to these, of knights and esquires, and gallant gentlemen, Eight thousand and four hundred; of the which five hundred were but yesterday Dubb?d knights: so that, in these ten thousand they have lost, there are but sixteen Hundred mercenaries; the rest are princes, barons, lords, knights, squires, and Gentlemen of blood and quality. Here was a royal fellowship of death! Where is The number of our English dead?[Exe. Hands Henry another paper] Of all men, But five and twenty. – O God, thy arm was here; and not to us, but to thy arm Alone, ascribe us all! – When without strategem, but in plain shock and even play Of battle was ever known so great and little loss on one part and on the other? – Take it, God, for it is none but thine!
Exe. ?Tis wonderful!
K. Hen. Come, go we to the village: and be it death proclaimed through our host to boast Of this of this, or take that praise from God which is his to give only.
Montjoy returns
Mont. Is it not lawful and please your majesty, to tell how many are killed?
K. Hen. Yes, herald; but with this acknowledgement, that God fought for us.
Mont. Yes, my conscience, he did us great good
K. Hen. Do we all holy rites: let there be sung Non nobis and Te Deum; the dead with Charity enclos?d in clay: we?ll then to Calais; and then to england then; where Ne?er from France arriv?d more happy men.