My Room Description Essay, Research Paper
The floor is pale and yet full of texture. A Berber rug covers the floor in need of a stretching. In an array of gloss and semi-gloss, shades of off-white cover these four walls and their baseboards speckled only by an occasional paint chip or faded fingerprint. Entire sections are hidden by nearly a dozen posters of varying sizes and of varying content, mostly expressing various political ideas, or taste in music. Shelves protrude from a wall adjacent to the door– topped by a number of knickknacks and decorative accessories. Yet nothing obscures the whiteness of these walls quite as magnificently as the furnishings which fill the room.
Standing at the doorway looking inwards I see the twin-sized bed directly across from me against the far wall. Its sheets and blankets are ruffled and in dire need of being straightened. Two pillows rest at opposite ends– covered by cases made of turquoise cloth. This color forms a pleasant matching contrast with the darker blues that plainly compromise the coloring of the bedspread. Yet at one corner I see my sheet struggling to maintain its grip on a mattress– a salmon-colored item that doesn’t seem to match anything at all.
The dresser is tall and quite old– probably a ‘hand-me-down’ from one of my older siblings who has since left home for college or some other endeavor. Its stands across from the foot of my bed and perhaps four more feet to its left. Its brown woodn finish appears to be randomly-stained with an assortment of dusts and the syrup of sodas left upon its surface over the years. A similar piece — a stand — sits idly against a wall opposite the foot of my bed. Upon it rests a 13″- inch black-and-white television screen– with dotted speaker holes carved out of its front. Oddly, three video ca ssettes sit next to the television– but there is no video cassette player in sight.