Authoritarian Government
in Germany 1871-1914
The Unification of Germany under there the powerful leader Otto Von Bismark led to the Authoritarian style government in Germany for the next forty years through his aggressive and sometimes underhanded leadership qualities. Bismark united Germany too Prussia not uniting Germany as an equal and fair whole this was the main cause for this new authoritarian style government. Another reason why is because of his cunning and outright lying to place the Prussian king, not to mention himself into the ultimate power and leadership position of the new nation.
Any country willed into existence with intentions and means to make one person or group of persons more powerful than other will obviously turn up authoritarian regardless of other factors. This is the main factor in the resulting governing style in the new nation we all know as Germany. Bismark convinced Germans they were all united only after more land and resources were needed for Bismark’s endeavors than Prussia could possibly supply. Therefore this shows how he sculpted his way into making the people believe they had say and actually covered all the necessary clauses in an ingenious plan to run the country with a strong, relentless, but unrecognizable hand.
He tricked the Germans into believing everything he did was with good intent with them the people in mind. This was obvious not to be the case as we now look back and see how every one of his strategic moves, although attractive on the outside benefitted him far more than anyone else in the country. For example his suspicious attitude which eventually led to his downfall was apparent throughout his reign.
His power structure which fell apart when he blamed Catholics for all problems was built to be authoritative with Bismark himself riding the wave of power over the crest and eventually as it crashed onto the rocks, but made a way for the next generation of German leaders keep their power and grip on the authoritative government in Germany at this time.
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