Argument Essay Essay, Research Paper
In today s society there are many couples that live together. Why let unmarried couples live together? There isn t a specific problem with unmarried couples that live out in the American Society. People are getting divorced left and right in today s age. More than 50% of marriages broke up during the decade of the 90 s.
Why let unmarried couples live together? Will the way many Americans look at it. Having couples not married living together is a very common step taken. In Fact, some couples would rather live together first and then get married. It helps them learn to live with each other and get to know one another more. Couples not married living together is not a threat to the society and economy.
Unmarried couples should have no pressure in making decisions towards marriage. Living together is a good experience. The Myth that living together before marriage is a horrible thing to do has forced many to jump into something that is not meant to be. If more people could take this opportunity, it may make living easier, keep anxiety levels lower and/or save money and time. To me, it makes sense.
Again, more than 50% of American couples end up in a divorce because of this label on living together before marriage. If you are in disagreement with my opinion on this matter and would like to become a part of a statistic, then go ahead and rush into a marriage before living together. This is why living together is a valuable stepping stone towards marriage.
Why let unmarried people live together? A very good question that I feel I have covered with solid strong points. Couples should have the support of the society to live together before marriage. If you feel that people that live together before marriage shouldn t take place then you have to come out into the light and wake up. This is the 21st Century , that s how people are today.