Time And Life Essay, Research Paper
The wind whistled through the half pipes as my brother and I took our
Skateboards into the skate park. I it was for us to be going skating on a
cold winter
morning but we were bored and my brother Jason had come back from the Navy
after six years and he wanted to have some fun with me before he went away to
Australia. The cold winter wind beat down on our backs sending a chill down
spines. As I was pretty new to skate boarding, I had brought my helmet,
etc but my brother Ravi was all empty except for his skateboard. He came like
this because he much experienced and he was kind of a showoff. The half pipes
were pretty slippery after the nights rain. I started to have this feeling of
dread in
me but I didn?t know why so I just kept shut and did what Ravi wanted me to
Ravis navy experience had given him the speed and muscles and I was no match
in front of him. As usual we started off with the smaller slopes and we
increased the height as time went by. As we were skating Ravi kept bugging me
to show the new tricks I had learnt while he was away. I wasn?t feeling
about the idea but I did it to keep his heart but I said after I am done he
has to
show me his tricks and he said sure.
The tricks I had were the basic ones but if you want to see the pros doing
it you should watch Ravi, he was an expert. While I was doing my tricks he
calling me cheap stake. All I wanted right know was to tease him when he did
stuff. After a while his turn came and he was doing all this tight tricks
that my
mouth was hanging wide open. After some tricks he said that he was going for
finisher and that I better watch it carefully. I was like sure. All I saw was
that he
went up in the air, did a 540 degree turn and started to come down but he was
down head first. What I was thinking was that he was about to do something
As I watched him he came down head first hitting the floor with a loud thump.
My eyes were about to pop out as saw him lying there. I ran him and all he
was goodbye bro, I am sorry. My eyes were the like Niagara Falls it never
stopped. My only brother whom I had seen after so many years was no more. The
time we could have spent together was no where to be seen. His body was lying
lifeless in my lap and it was like the whole world was over. There was so
things that we could have shared.
This what had happened to Jason in the play Medea by Euripedes. Jason
had spent his battling and conquering places that he didn?t have time to
with his son. And when he wanted to have his sons, you could say that the
ran out for him. As like me he had so many things he wanted to share with his
son?s. For a normal human being, they should take for granted coz it just
not that
way. You have find your own way through with some sacrifices. You will get
something after give something . Time is an important factor is deciding the
of life a person will live. The time he makes a decision is the key. If he
makes a
decision a second before it may change his whole life forever.