Michael Pratt
W. Howard
Com. 111-28
October 29, 1999
In Home Daycares vs. Community Daycares
Choosing a daycare for your children is one of the most important descisions for most new parents. There is the choice of an in home daycare or a community daycare. In home daycares the children will receive more personal care, there will be less children presant, and they are more geared to the personal needs of the parents.
At in home daycares the children recieve more personal care. The sitter will be able to play and teach the children on a more personal learning level. At a community daycare children are taught as a group. In this case some children will fall behind because they don?t learn at the same rate. Also, with an in home daycare children can be taken to the park, zoo or varios other places at which they can learn. At a community daycare they are confined strictly to the daycare.
One plus to there being less children at inhome daycares is that the children can be watched more closely. Because of this there is a less chance of children getting into varios dangerous items such as cleaners. At a community daycare there is also a greater chance of germs being spread causing variuos illnesses. Also with there being less children at an in home daycare the children get to know the sitter closer. At community daycares they have many of different sitters per day.
In home daycares also conform more to the needs of the parents. Prices of an in home daycare are often cheaper, more flexible, and payment plans can be made. Also, in home sitters have more flexible hours than community daycares. At an in home daycare you can also choose weather or not you want one with religios beliefs the same as yours. You can also make the desion on how many children are at the home and the age range.