Nuclear Power Plant Essay, Research Paper
New form of Energy for Capetown
Capetown is considered to be the largest city in South Africa, having a population of over 2,727,000 inhabits. The energy form used in Capetown at the moment, is Gas Turbine, wich provides most of the city+s electricity. The use of electricity in Capetown is very low compared to western countries, for example there is only one TV for almost ten people, the energy consumption per inhabit a year is about 4000 kWh, wich is 2550 kWh less than the energy consumption per inhabit a year in Paris, France.
Our plan is to built the most effective, cheap also inviromentaly friendliest way to produce energy for the 1 575 000 inhabits of Capetown, we came to the solution: BUILT A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT.
Picture of Loviisa, Nuclear power plant
We explain our solution by the following facts:
If we built other forms of plants we would need:
3 Coal power plants or
12 Hydro power plants or
7 Gas turbine power plants or
173 Solar power plants or
4792 Wind power plants.
but we only need one nuclear power plant to provide enough electricity for 1 575 000 people.
Inviromental facts that concerned us:
A nuclear power plant may sound nasty and dangerous, from the naturistic point of view, but that is not a fact. A very good example of this is, the amount of fuel that a 900 MW nuclear power plant needs, wich is about one van of uranium per year, but a coal power plant with same capacity needs about 140 tons of coal per hour, and it also polutes the air by carbon dioxide wich is released when coal s stored energy is been transformed into heat energy. The carbon dioxide wich is been released in the prosess causes greenhouse effect, wich is the main cause of increased temperature of world. A hydro power plant does not need fuel, but it polutes the sights of a beautiful current river, because of it size, sometimes whole villages have to be moved from the reservoir area, it also effects the biosystem of both up-and down stream for quite a long distance from the location of the dam. A wind power plant is a good solution but it needs space, even one turbine needs about 100Ч100m space to work properly, if a malfunction appears in the turbine, it can fall down or the blades might break, and fly for thousands of meters. The industry producing the turbines polutes the inviroment, The turbines also cause some problems in TV and radio links. Solar power pant is also a good solution because it does not really pollute the air, but the problem with it is the space that it requires to produce the amount of energy that we need, for example a solar plant wit capacity of 10 MW needs a space of 53x a soccer play ground, and huge amount of concrete, glass and metals is needed to built to plant. The problem with the gas turbines are the number of plants that we need, it also pollutes the air by the carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides that it releases into the air. In the air the nitrogen oxide turns into nitric acid, wich comes down to the ground with rain.
Technological facts that concerned us:
The reason we didnt choose solar power is because of the hard storing of the energy, and it cannot store energy for darker times, the efficiency rate of the plant is quite low also. The problm with wind power is also the efficiency rate, and the amount of turbins that we need is far too many, the wind is not all that well in Capetown because it is surrounded by mountains.
Studdying Nuclear power plant process
This is a pressurized water reactor, and it is concidered to be a basic type of nuclear rectores, and it is used commonly. the elecrtic power of this particular plant is about 900MW, and its efficincy ratio is about 33%.
Nuclear energy is released in the reactor, when nuclei used as fuel in the reactor splits.Nuclear energy tranfers into heat energy, wich heats up the water. thw hot water turnes into steam, wich, will flow to the turbines. The turbine spins the gnerator, wich will produce electricity. The electricity is then sent to be formed in a sellable form. Then the steam is sent to cool, and then it comes back into the reactor. Fuel used in this process is riched Uranium wich is bought from France.
The waste wich is produced will be trans fered to the deep mins in South Africa. The transportation will happen by IVO power company from Finland.