Summary Of Totalitarian Essay, Research Paper
Totalitarianism is the idea that all motions, buisness, thought, religion, are
regulated by the state or the ruling upper hand that controlls the people. It focuses on the
older ideas of tyanny, absolutism, and many others things that were seen prior to the
breakout of this mindstate in the 20th century. However, in these older systems of
absolutism or tyanny people could have their individual thought, as long as it didn t
pertain to politics or have the chance of damaging the ruler. In the modern totalitarian
system the people are forced to be completely dependant on the ruler s and his party s
wishes. In previous totalitarian-like forms of government, it was usually a monarch, or
ruling family which controlled the people, and to a certain extent. In these more recent
totalitarian times they re ruled by a dictator and his party, which is often the majority of
the stronger political figures in the area.
Throughout history, government and popular opinion has always ruled over the
common people and the standards these people live by. During the middle ages with the
Catholic Church, the propaganda and the almost hypnotic brainwashing of the people of
Germany under Hitlers rule, Stalin s iron fist over a powerless Russian peoples are all
examples of the totalitarian place in mind these people or establishments possessed.
People are often sheep, but in most cases it s the shepards who set the dogs on the
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