William Shakespear?s play Julius Caesar deals with the problem power and
betrayel. Throughout the whole play since the beginning there has been warnings
of betrayel. In the beginning of the play a warning was stated to Caesar in the
first act. The Soothsayer had warned Caesar ?Beware the Ides of March? (act
I, scene II). When Caesar heard this warning he took it as it was not true and
went about his business. Caesar dissreguarded this warning because he thought he
had too much power and nothing bad could come to him. Later on in the play, on
the Ides of March, March 15th; Caesar was betrayed by all of the people he kept
close to him, especially his best friend Brutes. When Caesar met up with all of
the government officials, and the people he trusted most, he was betrayed by
them all. Caesar was stabbed to death, the last person to stab him, was Brutes.
With Caesars last breath he said ?Et tu, Brut??? (Act III, Scene I). I
personally find this line one of the most effective ones in the play because you
really get a sence of the betrayel. It is as if Caesar cannot believe his eyes
that his very best friend could do such a horrible thing such as to stab him.