“Wonderful Ezenzeleni”
For here the blind
had eyes given to them.
In the outside world
they were condemned.
For here the blind
could make anything
without the use of eyes
as if they were seeing.
For here the blind
had eyes that glowed
and looked through the mind
lighting fire in the soul.
For here the white men
performed works of mercy
opening the eyes of black men
that could not see.
For here the white men
could speak the tongue
of English and Afrikaans
to help everyone.
Oh Ezenzeleni…
What a wonderful land
filled with the colors
created by God’s own hands.
Thesis: Ezenzeleni was a wonderful land that many could only dream of and many thought did not exist. It was such a magical place that the blind “had eyes given to them.”
I chose a passage on page 121 towards the bottom on Ezenzeleni. To me this passage was really inspiring in the fact that it is referring to a beautiful place that people only imagined to be real. I noticed that once I started to write this poem the words just flowed out as if the writer of the book actually meant for this to be a poem. The passage just had so many poetic devices such as perfect imagery and a strong theme with a moderate tone. I really hope that there is such a place out there such as is described on page 121 , and if so someday I would like to visit such a wonderful land.