A traditional woman of Victorian Society was seen as a caring mother and a loving wife. She was born to give and to love. Often, the upper-class women were taught languages and the arts; this made them very well rounded and appealing to the gentlemen. In Jane Eyre, the women characters that are encountered have both traditional and non-traditional characteristics of the Victorian Society.
Eliza and Georgiana Reed were two attractive, traditional young ladies of the Victorian times. Eliza was a true snob, headstrong and selfish. Yet, she was respected because she came from a wealthy home and dressed in a typical manner of the era. Georgiana was time-honored in looks as well as manner. Many people loved her even though she was arrogant and spoiled. She was beautiful with pink cheeks, golden curls, and a colour just as if she were painted. Both girls were obedient to their mother and followed the ways of the upper class. They were well formed, learning from tutors and playing both the piano and the harp. They did not speak to Jane, for she was considered to be on a lesser social level than they.
When Jane returns to Gateshead, to visit her ailing aunt, she finds Georgiana behaving in the same manner as when she left. Georgiana wished to go to London and no longer wanted to stay cooped up in Gateshead. She had blossomed into a voluptuous and beautiful woman. However, Eliza no longer cared for her…
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