Election 1984 Essay, Research Paper
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Let’s take a look back at the presidential election of 1984. The primary candidates in this election were Ronald Reagan for Republican, and Walter Mondale for Democratic.
This election campaign revolved mostly around the issues of deficit and tariff barriers. The Republicans enthusiastically nominated Reagan and Bush in 1984, confident that Reagan’s personal popularity would bring him once again to victory.For economical issues, Reagan’s policies defeated inflation, cut taxes, increased the Gross National Product and increased employment in 1984. Republicans were sure that Reagan’s style and personality would again come through and be as strong in Presidency as ever.
For the Democratic side, Walter Mondale, former Vice President under Jimmy Carter, gained 26 seats in the House, 8 candidates entered the primaries. Walter decided to run with a New York Congresswoman to spice up his campaign, however not even she was much of an attraction for him. Still, Mondale kept going hammering away to stay in the race. He began tearing into some of Reagan’s issues: Reagan’s tax cuts, which only benefited the rich, the obvious effects of Reagan’s age. The President was 73 and had trouble staying awake during cabinet meetings, prayer in schools, and abortions. Still Reagan didn’t have the country doubting him.
This election was a close battle, but with an 18 point margin, Reagan once again took the lead. Results were:
Reagan received 525 electoral votes and 54,158,802(58.4%) popular votes and Mondale received 13 electoral votes and 37,443,559(41.6%) popular votes