Supreme Court Row v Wade
Roe v. Wade
I believe that it is outrages that the states could turn a matter of personal liberties and privacy into a tool used to promote itself as a non-federal government dominated body. By refusing a woman to have the right to terminate a pregnancy, the state abridges that woman’s right to privacy, which is supported by the constitution in more then one Amendment such as the first, the fourth, the fifth, the ninth, and of course the famous fourteenth. Although the state might oppose the right to have an abortion on emotional and religious grounds, it is merely a feeble attempt to hide the fact that in reality this is a battle with the federal government. Even if it was a truly religious argument, the opinions and convictions should not be powerful enough to suppress other’s rights to deal with their own bodies. The United States government was designed to protect the rights of the minorities. Furthermore, there is no mention of any laws protecting the unborn fetus in the Constitution, thus, the matter of murder and killing has no basis to transform into a valid argument against abortion. It is the woman’s body, and she should have the right to do anything to it as she wishes. Therefore, I rule in favor of Roe, upholding the woman’s right to have an abortion, whether or not, it endangers her life.