It s the sound of helmets crashing, people yelling, the smell of sweat, the feel of pigskin and the taste of blood. Football, it is the only real contact sport. Who are better the NFL players or collegiate players? The leagues are about the same; about football; yet they are completely differences.
In the NFL, players know the fundamentals and know what their opponent s game plan is all about. They practice four or five times a week because this is their job and they take it very seriously. There are only 31 teams currently in the NFL the talent is broken up into about every team. They sometimes know what their opposing team is going to do a week in advance. The pros are beefed up from training during the off season or just from eating.
Collegiate athletes are just kids. Some are really dedicated to the game while others are not. Some train and practice all the time, so they can get better. Others just use their good skills to get them by. Since there are so many schools the talent is spread throughout the country. They don t have the time as the pros to work out, practice, and learn a team s play book because they have to worry about going to school.
The NFL and collegiate athletes are very similar though. They both are devoted to the game of football. They are played about the same. The
Rules differ just a bit. The idea is to beat your opponent down then score on them. Whoever scores the most points at the end of the end of the game wins.
Something as basic as football can really be different. Just the performance of amateurs compared to that of the pros in the NFL is very noticeable. Football is still played the same. No matter where you go there is somebody playing this great game.