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Revelation In NT Essay Research Paper The

Revelation In NT Essay, Research Paper

The book of Revelation is the last profound book in the New Testament. It

conveys the significant purpose of Christianity by describing God’s plan for the

world and his final judgement of the people by reinforcing the importance of

faith and the concept of Christianity as a whole. This book written by John in

95 or 96 AD, is the revelation of Jesus Christ illustrating the events that

occur before and during the second coming of Christ. By using complex symbolism

and apocalyptic metaphor the meaning of Revelation is defined. What is, what has

been, and what is to come is the central focus of the content. When correlating

the total concept of the book of Revelation the tremendous impact of the word of

God cannot be overlooked. Revelation was written in the last 3rd of the 1st

century clearly when the christians were being pressured by Rome to turn from

their faith to the Roman emperor. This book was intended for the seven churches

of Asia. Some think that the book was written around 64 AD, after the burning of

Rome. Revelation 11:1 references the temple suggesting that it is still standing

when history proves that the temple was destroyed by Titus in 70 AD. However,

this could simply be a prediction and have no relevance as to the date the book

was written. On the other hand, there is historical evidence that points to 95

or 96 AD as being the more probable date for the writing of this narrative.

Among these include statements from christian writers such as church father who

states that Revelation was written in the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian

(81-96). In addition this date better agrees with description of the early

churches and is accepted by them as well as by scholars as the better date. A

man named John wrote the book of Revelation on an island in the Argean Sea named

Patmos. This person is believed to be John the Apostle of Jesus Christ, author

of the fourth gospel. There has been some confusion over this, due to the fact

that John does not designate himself as an apostle and when mentioning them does

not include himself in that group. Rather he claims to be a prophet and his book

to be a prophecy. However, the early church as well as early theologians claim

the author as John the Apostle. In 480 AD five passages written by Iraneous

mentioned John specifically as the author, and in the middle of the 2nd century

Justin Marty quoted verbatim "attributing the authorship to John, an

apostle of Christ." (Tenney). In researching the fourth gospel and the book

of Revelation similarities do occur showing the book to be written by the same

person. A prime example being that the only mention of Jesus as logos in the

entire bible exists in these two books. If this book was not written by John the

Apostle, it was written by a John never before heard of or mentioned. Given

these facts and the past statements of christian writers it is highly likely

that the book of Revelation was in fact written by the apostle John, and is

agreed upon by most scholars today. The word revelation or apocaylpse has two

distinct meanings. In Latin "Revelatio" means unveiling and in Greek

"apokalypsis means the removing of a veil. The purpose of this book is the

revelation of Jesus Christ and the final judgement of the word of God. "The

coming of sin into the world, the establishment of the economy of redemption,

has necessitated the making known of truths not made known by general

revelation. Therefore, God has given the special revelation brought to us in the

Holy Scriptures. The scriptures reiterate the truths proclaimed in nature, in

history, and in man himself; and, in addition thereto, declare the salvation

which God has provided for mankind in Jesus Christ." (Unger 922). In

retrospect, revelation unveils God’s future plan for the earth and is written to

be understood. Clearly the book of Revelation is the ultimate battle between

good and evil. It is the time when all sin will be judged, demons will be cast

away, and Christ will reign over the earth. This is the word of God showing us

his plan for the retribution of his son Jesus Christ. By sending these words to

John in a vision God is warning the people of the world to repent for their sins

and that the time is drawing near. "John to the seven churches which are in

Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which

is to come; and from the seven spirits which are before his throne;" (Rev.

1:4). The content of Revelation is very complex apocalyptic literature

consisting of many symbols some of which are explained and other are not. The

number seven occurs numerous times throughout this narrative. The number seven,

a perfect number, divisible by nothing meaning completeness. "The book is

broken down by four series of seven according to the theme of which is, which

was, and which is to come." (Ladd 14). Concluding with the fall of Babylon,

the final battle, and the new Jerusalem. By breaking down the content in this

way it is more easily explained, but keep in mind that there are a few brief

interruptions that do not apply to the derivative of seven. The first series of

the four are The Seven Letters (rev. 2:1-3:22). In these seven letter John sends

messages to the seven churches in Asia. Although research shows that this is

also meant towards other bodies outside of these seven churches. Each of these

letters begin with a characterization of Christ and praise to the churches for

the good deeds that they have accomplished. They then criticize the churches for

mistakes they have made ending with a promise of protection for those that

conquer. Moving on to what is to come he then writes of the second series of

seven. The Seven Seals (Rev. 6:1-17). The great tribulation lasting for a period

of seven years. A large scroll is described with seven seals to be broken, each

with a consequence, in order to reveal its contents. Not only does this scroll

contain the judgement of the wicked, but the redemption of the good as well.

These are the events leading up to the end of the world. The seals bring about a

horror of plagues to be suffered by the people such as war, famine, death, and

martyrdom for the righteous. Upon breaking the seals the sun will turn black,

the moon red like blood, stars will fall from the sky, and the people will hide

from the wrath of God. This revelation is the battle between good and evil, the

people against God, with satan’s evil powers trying to destroy God through his

people. The antichrist, a false prophet, who deceives the people and requires

them to receive the mark of the beast or otherwise endure persecution. Even

though God has promised to protect his people he cannot protect them from

martyrdom. Outside of the series of seven he sends 144,000 martyrs, 12,000 of

each of the twelve tribes of Isreal to carry out his service. When the seventh

seal is opened a great silence falls over the earth marking the beginning of the

third series of seven. The Seven Trumpets (Rev. 8:2-14:20). These to are more

plagues to be ravished upon the people who have rejected Christ. A wrath so

severe that the destruction of the entire world is eminent. Throughout this

horror there is still time for the people to make a choice between Christ and

the Antichrist. The harshness of this wrath is not only to judge the people, but

to force them to fall to their knees and repent. This alone illustrates a

merciful God who is willing to forgive those who have betrayed him. Among these

plagues of the seven trumpets include the destruction of one third of the

vegetation of the earth, undescribable volcanic eruption, the loss of one third

of the life in the sea, complete darkness on the earth, locusts that will attack

the people to torture but not kill them, and finally death. Then again outside

of the series of seven God sends to witnesses to prophesize to the people. These

witness are murdered by the beast and left in the street to be looked upon by

the people who are rejoicing in this so called victory. The plagues of the

trumpets end with an earthquake that kills 7,000 people in the city of Babylon

marking that the end of the world has been announced. Finally the last series of

seven, The Seven Bowls. (Rev. 16:1-21). As the seven bowls are poured upon the

earth we see the divine judgement of Christ, the reaction of an unholy

civilization, and the final persecution of the church. Faith will be tested

because it will seem as if Satan has unlimited power and that all hope is gone.

God’s wrath is fully unleashed and raging on those who bear the mark of the

beast. Horrible sores are cast upon the people, the sea turns to blood and every

living creature in it is destroyed, the entire water supply of the earth becomes

contaminated, the sun will scorch the people with fire and burn them, darkness

engulfs everything, and the river of Euphrates completely dries up. "This

last bowl is somewhat different from the others. In the Old Testament this river

is the boundary to the promised land and may be interpreted as the prelude to

the gathering of God’s dispersed people in their own land." (Ladd 212).

With the pouring of the seventh bowl the voice of God says, "It is

done." Thunder booms, lightening strikes, and an earthquake erupts unlike

any that history has ever seen. The great city of Babylon splits into utter

destruction. Then, just as promised Christ returns to reign on earth for 1,000

years. The martyrs are resurrected to share in this time of great joy, Satan is

thrown into the abyss, and the earth restored is filled with peace. After this

millennial reign Satan will be released once again to deceive the people and

attempt to turn them against God in one final battle, the battle of Armageddon.

It is here that Satan is thrown into the lake of fire defeated forever. A new

Jerusalem is built, a new heaven and a new earth. The wicked are cast into the

lake of fire, the dead stand before God in final judgement, and the righteous

enter into eternal life. The book ends with John’s warning against changing any

of this prophecy addressed to everyone who hears its word. The wrath, judgement,

and redemption of God is outlined in these pages. It is here that the entire

future of the world rests. "The Lord sent his angel to verify these words

in which he sent to John in a vision. The book of Revelation is the word of

Jesus Christ. "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book,

because the time is near. Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him

who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right;

and let him who is holy continue to be holy. Behold, I am coming soon! My reward

is with me, and I will give it to everyone according to what he has done. I am

the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."

(Rev. 22:11- 12). When taking an intense look at this amazing book as a whole

the incredible impact that Revelation has on Christianity is recognized, for it

truly is the word of God. The unforgettable content and prophecy for the future

grasps the hearts of the believers and provides for the divine promise of

eternal life. "Genesis describes a paradise which was lost. Revelation

pictures a paradise restored." (Mounce 88). Bibliography Hendrikson,

William. More Than Conquerors. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1967.

Ladd, George Eldon. Revelation of John. William Eerdmans Publishing Company,

Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1972. Mounce, Robert H. The Book of Revelation. William

B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1972. Tenny, Merril C.

Interpreting Revelation. Williams B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids,

Michigan. 1957. Unger, Merrill F. Unger’s Bible Dictionary. Moody Press,

Chicago, Illinois. 1957 An Insight Into Revelation The book of Revelation is the

last profound book in the New Testament. It conveys the significant purpose of

Christianity by describing God’s plan for the world and his final judgement of

the people by reinforcing the importance of faith and the concept of

Christianity as a whole. This book written by John in 95 or 96 AD, is the

revelation of Jesus Christ illustrating the events that occur before and during

the second coming of Christ. By using complex symbolism and apocalyptic metaphor

the meaning of Revelation is defined. What is, what has been, and what is to

come is the central focus of the content. When correlating the total concept of

the book of Revelation the tremendous impact of the word of God cannot be

overlooked. Revelation was written in the last 3rd of the 1st century clearly

when the christians were being pressured by Rome to turn from their faith to the

Roman emperor. This book was intended for the seven churches of Asia. Some think

that the book was written around 64 AD, after the burning of Rome. Revelation

11:1 references the temple suggesting that it is still standing when history

proves that the temple was destroyed by Titus in 70 AD. However, this could

simply be a prediction and have no relevance as to the date the book was

written. On the other hand, there is historical evidence that points to 95 or 96

AD as being the more probable date for the writing of this narrative. Among

these include statements from christian writers such as church father who states

that Revelation was written in the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian (81-96).

In addition this date better agrees with description of the early churches and

is accepted by them as well as by scholars as the better date. A man named John

wrote the book of Revelation on an island in the Argean Sea named Patmos. This

person is believed to be John the Apostle of Jesus Christ, author of the fourth

gospel. There has been some confusion over this, due to the fact that John does

not designate himself as an apostle and when mentioning them does not include

himself in that group. Rather he claims to be a prophet and his book to be a

prophecy. However, the early church as well as early theologians claim the

author as John the Apostle. In 480 AD five passages written by Iraneous

mentioned John specifically as the author, and in the middle of the 2nd century

Justin Marty quoted verbatim "attributing the authorship to John, an

apostle of Christ." (Tenney). In researching the fourth gospel and the book

of Revelation similarities do occur showing the book to be written by the same

person. A prime example being that the only mention of Jesus as logos in the

entire bible exists in these two books. If this book was not written by John the

Apostle, it was written by a John never before heard of or mentioned. Given

these facts and the past statements of christian writers it is highly likely

that the book of Revelation was in fact written by the apostle John, and is

agreed upon by most scholars today. The word revelation or apocaylpse has two

distinct meanings. In Latin "Revelatio" means unveiling and in Greek

"apokalypsis means the removing of a veil. The purpose of this book is the

revelation of Jesus Christ and the final judgement of the word of God. "The

coming of sin into the world, the establishment of the economy of redemption,

has necessitated the making known of truths not made known by general

revelation. Therefore, God has given the special revelation brought to us in the

Holy Scriptures. The scriptures reiterate the truths proclaimed in nature, in

history, and in man himself; and, in addition thereto, declare the salvation

which God has provided for mankind in Jesus Christ." (Unger 922). In

retrospect, revelation unveils God’s future plan for the earth and is written to

be understood. Clearly the book of Revelation is the ultimate battle between

good and evil. It is the time when all sin will be judged, demons will be cast

away, and Christ will reign over the earth. This is the word of God showing us

his plan for the retribution of his son Jesus Christ. By sending these words to

John in a vision God is warning the people of the world to repent for their sins

and that the time is drawing near. "John to the seven churches which are in

Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which

is to come; and from the seven spirits which are before his throne;" (Rev.

1:4). The content of Revelation is very complex apocalyptic literature

consisting of many symbols some of which are explained and other are not. The

number seven occurs numerous times throughout this narrative. The number seven,

a perfect number, divisible by nothing meaning completeness. "The book is

broken down by four series of seven according to the theme of which is, which

was, and which is to come." (Ladd 14). Concluding with the fall of Babylon,

the final battle, and the new Jerusalem. By breaking down the content in this

way it is more easily explained, but keep in mind that there are a few brief

interruptions that do not apply to the derivative of seven. The first series of

the four are The Seven Letters (rev. 2:1-3:22). In these seven letter John sends

messages to the seven churches in Asia. Although research shows that this is

also meant towards other bodies outside of these seven churches. Each of these

letters begin with a characterization of Christ and praise to the churches for

the good deeds that they have accomplished. They then criticize the churches for

mistakes they have made ending with a promise of protection for those that

conquer. Moving on to what is to come he then writes of the second series of

seven. The Seven Seals (Rev. 6:1-17). The great tribulation lasting for a period

of seven years. A large scroll is described with seven seals to be broken, each

with a consequence, in order to reveal its contents. Not only does this scroll

contain the judgement of the wicked, but the redemption of the good as well.

These are the events leading up to the end of the world. The seals bring about a

horror of plagues to be suffered by the people such as war, famine, death, and

martyrdom for the righteous. Upon breaking the seals the sun will turn black,

the moon red like blood, stars will fall from the sky, and the people will hide

from the wrath of God. This revelation is the battle between good and evil, the

people against God, with satan’s evil powers trying to destroy God through his

people. The antichrist, a false prophet, who deceives the people and requires

them to receive the mark of the beast or otherwise endure persecution. Even

though God has promised to protect his people he cannot protect them from

martyrdom. Outside of the series of seven he sends 144,000 martyrs, 12,000 of

each of the twelve tribes of Isreal to carry out his service. When the seventh

seal is opened a great silence falls over the earth marking the beginning of the

third series of seven. The Seven Trumpets (Rev. 8:2-14:20). These to are more

plagues to be ravished upon the people who have rejected Christ. A wrath so

severe that the destruction of the entire world is eminent. Throughout this

horror there is still time for the people to make a choice between Christ and

the Antichrist. The harshness of this wrath is not only to judge the people, but

to force them to fall to their knees and repent. This alone illustrates a

merciful God who is willing to forgive those who have betrayed him. Among these

plagues of the seven trumpets include the destruction of one third of the

vegetation of the earth, undescribable volcanic eruption, the loss of one third

of the life in the sea, complete darkness on the earth, locusts that will attack

the people to torture but not kill them, and finally death. Then again outside

of the series of seven God sends to witnesses to prophesize to the people. These

witness are murdered by the beast and left in the street to be looked upon by

the people who are rejoicing in this so called victory. The plagues of the

trumpets end with an earthquake that kills 7,000 people in the city of Babylon

marking that the end of the world has been announced. Finally the last series of

seven, The Seven Bowls. (Rev. 16:1-21). As the seven bowls are poured upon the

earth we see the divine judgement of Christ, the reaction of an unholy

civilization, and the final persecution of the church. Faith will be tested

because it will seem as if Satan has unlimited power and that all hope is gone.

God’s wrath is fully unleashed and raging on those who bear the mark of the

beast. Horrible sores are cast upon the people, the sea turns to blood and every

living creature in it is destroyed, the entire water supply of the earth becomes

contaminated, the sun will scorch the people with fire and burn them, darkness

engulfs everything, and the river of Euphrates completely dries up. "This

last bowl is somewhat different from the others. In the Old Testament this river

is the boundary to the promised land and may be interpreted as the prelude to

the gathering of God’s dispersed people in their own land." (Ladd 212).

With the pouring of the seventh bowl the voice of God says, "It is

done." Thunder booms, lightening strikes, and an earthquake erupts unlike

any that history has ever seen. The great city of Babylon splits into utter

destruction. Then, just as promised Christ returns to reign on earth for 1,000

years. The martyrs are resurrected to share in this time of great joy, Satan is

thrown into the abyss, and the earth restored is filled with peace. After this

millennial reign Satan will be released once again to deceive the people and

attempt to turn them against God in one final battle, the battle of Armageddon.

It is here that Satan is thrown into the lake of fire defeated forever. A new

Jerusalem is built, a new heaven and a new earth. The wicked are cast into the

lake of fire, the dead stand before God in final judgement, and the righteous

enter into eternal life. The book ends with John’s warning against changing any

of this prophecy addressed to everyone who hears its word. The wrath, judgement,

and redemption of God is outlined in these pages. It is here that the entire

future of the world rests. "The Lord sent his angel to verify these words

in which he sent to John in a vision. The book of Revelation is the word of

Jesus Christ. "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book,

because the time is near. Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him

who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right;

and let him who is holy continue to be holy. Behold, I am coming soon! My reward

is with me, and I will give it to everyone according to what he has done. I am

the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."

(Rev. 22:11- 12). When taking an intense look at this amazing book as a whole

the incredible impact that Revelation has on Christianity is recognized, for it

truly is the word of God. The unforgettable content and prophecy for the future

grasps the hearts of the believers and provides for the divine promise of

eternal life. "Genesis describes a paradise which was lost. Revelation

pictures a paradise restored." (Mounce 88). Bibliography Hendrikson,

William. More Than Conquerors. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1967.

Ladd, George Eldon. Revelation of John. William Eerdmans Publishing Company,

Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1972. Mounce, Robert H. The Book of Revelation. William

B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1972. Tenny, Merril C.

Interpreting Revelation. Williams B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids,

Michigan. 1957. Unger, Merrill F. Unger’s Bible Dictionary. Moody Press,

Chicago, Illinois. 1957 An Insight Into Revelation The book of Revelation is the

last profound book in the New Testament. It conveys the significant purpose of

Christianity by describing God’s plan for the world and his final judgement of

the people by reinforcing the importance of faith and the concept of

Christianity as a whole. This book written by John in 95 or 96 AD, is the

revelation of Jesus Christ illustrating the events that occur before and during

the second coming of Christ. By using complex symbolism and apocalyptic metaphor

the meaning of Revelation is defined. What is, what has been, and what is to

come is the central focus of the content. When correlating the total concept of

the book of Revelation the tremendous impact of the word of God cannot be

overlooked. Revelation was written in the last 3rd of the 1st century clearly

when the christians were being pressured by Rome to turn from their faith to the

Roman emperor. This book was intended for the seven churches of Asia. Some think

that the book was written around 64 AD, after the burning of Rome. Revelation

11:1 references the temple suggesting that it is still standing when history

proves that the temple was destroyed by Titus in 70 AD. However, this could

simply be a prediction and have no relevance as to the date the book was

written. On the other hand, there is historical evidence that points to 95 or 96

AD as being the more probable date for the writing of this narrative. Among

these include statements from christian writers such as church father who states

that Revelation was written in the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian (81-96).

In addition this date better agrees with description of the early churches and

is accepted by them as well as by scholars as the better date. A man named John

wrote the book of Revelation on an island in the Argean Sea named Patmos. This

person is believed to be John the Apostle of Jesus Christ, author of the fourth

gospel. There has been some confusion over this, due to the fact that John does

not designate himself as an apostle and when mentioning them does not include

himself in that group. Rather he claims to be a prophet and his book to be a

prophecy. However, the early church as well as early theologians claim the

author as John the Apostle. In 480 AD five passages written by Iraneous

mentioned John specifically as the author, and in the middle of the 2nd century

Justin Marty quoted verbatim "attributing the authorship to John, an

apostle of Christ." (Tenney). In researching the fourth gospel and the book

of Revelation similarities do occur showing the book to be written by the same

person. A prime example being that the only mention of Jesus as logos in the

entire bible exists in these two books. If this book was not written by John the

Apostle, it was written by a John never before heard of or mentioned. Given

these facts and the past statements of christian writers it is highly likely

that the book of Revelation was in fact written by the apostle John, and is

agreed upon by most scholars today. The word revelation or apocaylpse has two

distinct meanings. In Latin "Revelatio" means unveiling and in Greek

"apokalypsis means the removing of a veil. The purpose of this book is the

revelation of Jesus Christ and the final judgement of the word of God. "The

coming of sin into the world, the establishment of the economy of redemption,

has necessitated the making known of truths not made known by general

revelation. Therefore, God has given the special revelation brought to us in the

Holy Scriptures. The scriptures reiterate the truths proclaimed in nature, in

history, and in man himself; and, in addition thereto, declare the salvation

which God has provided for mankind in Jesus Christ." (Unger 922). In

retrospect, revelation unveils God’s future plan for the earth and is written to

be understood. Clearly the book of Revelation is the ultimate battle between

good and evil. It is the time when all sin will be judged, demons will be cast

away, and Christ will reign over the earth. This is the word of God showing us

his plan for the retribution of his son Jesus Christ. By sending these words to

John in a vision God is warning the people of the world to repent for their sins

and that the time is drawing near. "John to the seven churches which are in

Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which

is to come; and from the seven spirits which are before his throne;" (Rev.

1:4). The content of Revelation is very complex apocalyptic literature

consisting of many symbols some of which are explained and other are not. The

number seven occurs numerous times throughout this narrative. The number seven,

a perfect number, divisible by nothing meaning completeness. "The book is

broken down by four series of seven according to the theme of which is, which

was, and which is to come." (Ladd 14). Concluding with the fall of Babylon,

the final battle, and the new Jerusalem. By breaking down the content in this

way it is more easily explained, but keep in mind that there are a few brief

interruptions that do not apply to the derivative of seven. The first series of

the four are The Seven Letters (rev. 2:1-3:22). In these seven letter John sends

messages to the seven churches in Asia. Although research shows that this is

also meant towards other bodies outside of these seven churches. Each of these

letters begin with a characterization of Christ and praise to the churches for

the good deeds that they have accomplished.

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